Dogs make us brave...
How far would you go to protect your dogs? This story from Newsweek caught my eye.
"Buddy had been barking downstairs at around 8.30 p.m. local time, but no one could work out why. "Right about that minute, we heard a tremendous crash," Adams told the website. "The French door down there was just completely smashed open, and there's a gaping hole there. We figured that the lion had come in, grabbed the dog, and left."
But they soon realized the mountain lion was still in the property, finding a "chunky" predator in one of the bedrooms. "It was trying to get out, it was bouncing off the walls," Adams said. "It hit the window with the dog in its mouth."
They closed the mountain lion in the bedroom and while Adams went to get his gun, his wife, Tracy, found some bear spray. They re-entered the bedroom just as the mountain lion was about to start eating Buddy, a 25lb mix breed. "Tracy went over and gave it a full blast (of bear spray) in the face," Adams told Noozhawk. "The lion lost interest in the dog and got very interested in Tracy, so she nailed it again."
They opened some French doors leading onto a porch and the mountain lion ran away.
In a Facebook post, Larsen White said the dog was lucky to be alive: "I just picked Buddy up from the vet in Santa Barbara. He suffered multiple lacerations on his neck and throat that had to be stitched up, and the lion shook him quite a lot, which resulted in a very sore neck, and possible disc problems. It's a Christmas miracle that we still have him alive here with us."
The love of dogs make us brave. Let's protect them from people who see them only as commodities. Check out and let's build a better world for them!
Have a lovely day and keep the pups away from the mince pies, the turkey bones, the chocolates... and the mountain lions!