Dogs in Hotel Rooms II

Dogs in Hotel Rooms II

By William H Harriss. 01/07/2022. [email protected]

This is a follow on article and continuation from Dogs in Hotel Rooms.????????

There are numerous countries where they eat dogs, Hilton Hotels have hotels in most dog-eating countries, and I wonder how they handle that situation? But, of course, I am not implying or suggesting for one moment that you can buy or eat dog meat in any of the Hilton hotels.

Many people in the town of Abuja in Nigeria eat dogs. Hilton has a beautiful hotel in Abuja. I notice the Hilton website [Transcorp Hilton Abuja] details say 'Pets Not Allowed, Service Animals Only'.

Besides all the germs and parasites dogs often carry, many people are allergic to live dogs and cats, and some are severely allergic.

All kinds of Allergies can result in death, either through a severe allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock brought on by the reaction.

People allergic to peanuts can become very ill if a cutting board in a kitchen or even a knife or cooking utensil previously used to prepare anything containing peanuts is used to prepare the food of the peanut-allergic person. So why would it be assumed that to allow dogs in a bedroom, that bedroom in the future would be safe for pet allergic people and people with Asthma?

Some of us in the industry will remember when guests were offered 'smoking or non-smoking rooms'. What if guests are offered 'pets or no pets rooms'. Rooms where pets have never been and will never be allowed.

I read today that in some Hilton hotels, they still offer rooms where you can smoke?

I also learned today several hotel chains still have smoking rooms; that will be another story for another day.

I reiterate from my previous article that dogs should never be allowed in or on a bed. Additionally, dogs should never be permitted in a carpeted room; tiles only should be the rule.

Pet allergy is an allergic reaction to proteins found in an animal's skin cells, saliva or urine. Signs of pet allergy include those familiar to hay fever, such as sneezing and runny nose. Some people may also experience asthma signs, such as wheezing and difficulty breathing. Severe allergies can be deadly, though. Even though a pet allergy doesn't tend to be fatal on its own, a person could die if they go into anaphylactic shock.

Anaphylactic shock is a life-threatening allergic reaction that can sometimes be fatal. Anaphylaxis affects the entire body.

Common symptoms include:

Skin flushing

Hives on any area of the body

Mouth and throat swelling

Difficulty speaking or swallowing

Altered heart rate

Inability to breathe

Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain

Blood pressure drop

Total collapse and unconsciousness

Death, in the worst cases.

Asthma According to the World Health Organization [WHO], "Asthma is a significant non-communicable disease (NCD) affecting children and adults and is the most common chronic disease among children. Asthma is a very common disease or complaint today. Asthma affected an estimated 262 million people in 2019 (1) and caused 455 000 deaths."

Avoiding 'Asthma triggers' such as pet danders can help reduce sudden dangerous asthma attacks. In addition, sufferers should not enter buildings or vehicles where dogs are or have previously been. That is why hotels should prewarn prospective clients about dogs in their hotels.

People with Asthma and pet allergy often have difficulty managing asthma symptoms. As a result, they may be at risk of asthma attacks that require immediate emergency medical treatment or care. In addition, it is well-proven; allergies to dogs can be extremely dangerous to people with severe Asthma.

Pet Allergies are an environmental trigger that can cause asthma symptoms and worsen chronic Asthma.

Most often, pet allergy is triggered by exposure to the dead flakes of skin (dander) a pet sheds. Any animal with fur can be a source of pet allergy, but pet allergies are most commonly associated with cats and dogs.

The best strategy for people with a pet allergy is to avoid or reduce exposure to the animal or where it has habituated as much as possible. Hence the chronic safety reason to have non-pet rooms in hotels.

My real worry is the risk to the travelling public and the holidaymaker at the resort or hotel. They can stay in a room unaware that a furry pet has been lying on or in the bed where they will snuggle up. Furthermore, they are generally unaware that the pillow on which they put their head has never been sterilized and, in many cases, never washed during its three-year life.

I read with interest an article by someone, may have been Hilton themselves. Of those surveyed, a few more than a thousand of those sampled said they would approve of the Hiltons dog policy. As Hilton has included a little more than 4000 hotels in the scheme, that means an average of a quarter of a person per hotel has approved. I am sure I could get the same results for pot-bellied pigs or zebras with the right questions.

As sure as God made little green apples, some hotels are surely setting themselves up for a massive lawsuit. Someone in the US will probably make a multi-million claim against them. However, they can take steps to lessen the possibility, even the probability, including proper sterilization and rooms set aside exclusively for pets and their owners. Not allowing pets on or in beds. Hopefully, they have done that; I have seen no reference to special steps taken so far. They should also satisfy their insurance cover obligations and their Compliance undertakings. Furthermore, guests booking hotel accommodation should be made aware before booking that the hotel allows dogs and cats and all the areas besides bedrooms where they are allowed. They should undoubtedly warn those who suffer from allergies and Asthma.

I worry about Hilton because just one loss in a court action could irreparably damage the most wonderful name of Hilton, one of the world's most respected hotel groups.

I love Hilton and follow them; they are amazing. I am also an animal lover, particularly a dog lover, but as they say, "a place for everything and everything in its place".

[email protected]


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