Dogma Renovatio Credit Fund - Risk Review
Analysis of Dogma Renovatio Credit Fund (A USD Shares) vs LQD
This chart compares the Dogma Renovatio Credit A USD Shares with LQD (iShares iBoxx Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF), analyzing their weekly returns (x-axis) and weekly standard deviation (y-axis) since December 30, 2022.
The dataset consists of numerous weekly observations, with:
Key Observations
1. Lower Volatility Profile of Dogma Renovatio Credit A USD
2. Volatility Smile and Asymmetry
3. Stability and Drawdown Mitigation
Strategic Insights
For Conservative Fixed-Income Investors
For Tactical Credit Investors
Risk Considerations
1. Risk-Adjusted Return Superiority
2. Interest Rate Sensitivity and Credit Risk
3. Portfolio Implications
The Dogma Renovatio Credit A USD strategy demonstrates a superior volatility profile compared to LQD, maintaining lower standard deviations across all return levels. The more concentrated data points around zero volatility suggest a disciplined, actively managed approach with strong downside protection.
Compared to LQD, Dogma Renovatio appears to provide a more stable credit investment solution, likely benefiting from active credit selection, duration management, and risk mitigation strategies. This makes it a compelling option for investors seeking lower volatility and controlled credit exposure.
A deeper analysis will be provided overtime.
Danilo, G. Onorino
This document was prepared by Danilo, G. Onorino for information and marketing purposes. Past performances are not guarantee of future returns. This communication is not an offer or a recommendation to buy/sell financial instruments.