Dogged Determination
Eating Bugs
The next day was Sunday. Brat Boy and Blondie came home for dinner. “So, are you going to do the metric century race?” Blondie asked.
“What’s a metric century?” Brat Boy asked.
“It’s a bike ride,” I said. “One hundred kilometers, about 62 miles.”
“Oh, that sounds like a good time,” Brat Boy said, laughing. “Six hours on a metal bike seat, hunched over, eating bugs that fly into your mouth as you gasp for breath.”
I laughed too. “I think I can do it in four hours. There’s a little padding on the seat, and the bugs are tiny, you hardly notice you’re eating them. Besides, it’s something new. Been awhile since I tried something new.”
Blondie looked skeptical. I said, “Listen, we see people at the rehab who tried every drug under the sun but won’t try anything new once they get sober. They’re bored, and they struggle to stay clean.”
Brat Boy got it. “When one door closes, you don’t sit down and lean against it, you look for an open door.”
Today I will look for a new door to open.
Dogged Determination ?2018 & 2019 by Ken Montrose
Dogged Determination is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at: