Dogged Determination
That Sinking Feeling
A week later we were sitting at the same table at the same AA meeting. Sam admitted he hadn’t broken off his engagement. Kim, who was standing behind him, smacked the top of his head. Billie told him she was disappointed. Trevor and Roger laughed which prompted Kim to smack them.
I said, “I started to dig out an old basketball pole. I had used way too much concrete when I poured the base. It looks like a giant cement lollipop.”
“Fascinating,” Sam said.
“It’s been sitting at the edge of my yard for a month,” I said. “With all the rain we’ve had, it’s been sinking further and further into the ground. Gonna be a bear to drag it out of there.”
“What’s your point?” Sam asked.
“The longer you let bad ideas, bad habits, bad decisions go, the harder they are to deal with.”
Today I won’t let bad ideas, bad habits, or bad decisions sink me.
Dogged Determination ?2018 & 2019 by Ken Montrose
Dogged Determination is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at: