Dogged Determination
Truth be Told
‘Gotta go,’ Billie texted. ‘Meeting Cara for coffee. Gonna tell her I love her, but she’s completely, 100%, absolutely in the wrong, and needs to stop whining about the little time she spent in jail.’
I typed, ‘Wow, she’s going to hate that, especially coming from you, her best friend!’
Billie texted, ‘Sigh, what are best friends for if not to tell you when you’re being a spoiled brat with more money than sense?’
I thought back to times good friends had told me things I didn’t want to hear about my drinking, studying, and work ethic. At the time I had resented them, but they had planted seeds that got me thinking about my situation. It might have taken me even longer to get sober if they hadn’t confronted me.
Today I’ll try to be grateful for people who tell me painful truths.
Dogged Determination ?2018 & 2019 by Ken Montrose
Dogged Determination is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at: