Dogged Determination
Take Care
“What brings you to the frozen north on a Tuesday?” I asked Sam.
“Going to talk to Trevor,” Sam said. “Have you seen his hand?”
“I haven’t lately.”
“So Billie made him show her the wound. She freaked out. Apparently it’s infected and Trevor keeps putting off seeing someone about it. He’s been putting over-the-counter antiseptics on it.”
“So why are you the one to confront him? You live the furthest away.”
Sam pulled up his pant leg to show me a jagged scar running the length of his calf and under his sock. “When I was still drinking I caught my leg on a rusty nail helping my neighbor tear down an old porch. I did what Trevor is doing and wound up in the hospital a month later. It was another month before I could walk again. People had to take care of me because I didn’t take care of myself. ”
Today I’ll take care of myself.
Dogged Determination ?2018 by Ken Montrose
Dogged Determination is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at: