Dog training and Employee coaching is way too similar.
Please pick this apart, it's part of my learning journey. Remember while I've worked with some of the best IO Psych PHD's out there. I'm not one of them. I am simply a seasoned layman exploring life.
Hypothesis: Humans will do allot for a dopamine hit and it's the subconscious mind that works to find the opportunity.
A few years ago it was either a book or a coaching session where someone turned me onto the idea of affirmation vs fear coaching. The idea or concept is that instead of picking apart the negative behaviors of team members, new wisdom suggests the opposite. Look for improvement or the behavior you want, find it and go heavy with recognition and praise. It was described as almost over the top praise. Initially it sounded too hokey for me , I hadn't bought in and I wasn't sure it would come off as genuine. So I tried it on my Dogs.
So... For a year I watched my dogs behaviors and as example when she would think about jumping on the table to grab a snack, nose up, the is anyone looking look, then she would choose to lay down instead, I'd follow her mindset and reward the sh*t out of the great decision. Come to find out the rewards don't have to come in the form of treats. It is best when delivered in my enthusiastic voice, yes , yes good job, good dog a good rub down and thank you! The tails a waggin so much the hips are swingin and the brain is getting loaded up with a big ole dopamine hit.
Now, conversely in my early dog training years I trained with fear, you better not or _________ The dog had to decide to go for the steak or fear some form of punishment. While this often worked I don't think it was a healthy way for the dog to process. The reason I believe positive affirmation works is the brain chemistry associated. It creates a dopamine hit and the brain takes notice (remembers) as to replicate the situation in the future. With fear based the dog has to pass on the steak in fear of repercussion which creates anxiety and shame.
Now all that said, what says you? Any experience with this?