It Doesn't Take Your Money To Make Money
H.J. Chammas, 4X Best-Selling Author I Publisher
Helping Entrepreneurs and Coaches Publish Their Bestselling Books and Become the Authority in their Field So That They Monetize Their Services
Welcome to The Mindset For A Free Life, a biweekly newsletter designed to inspire your financial life and give you actionable insights
"It takes money to make money" is a saying older than our grandparents. And as an entrepreneur or investor, you've likely heard it over and over again. But is it really true that it takes money to make money?
The short answer is "Yes", but the real answer is "it takes money to make money, but who said it has to be your money".
It does take some money to launch any business venture
Turn Your Hobby Into a Money-Making Machine
We live in a "monetize everything you can" culture, where a hobby can become a side hustle that makes some money and potentially turn into a million-dollar enterprise. This means you can start working for yourself to turn fun endeavors into a money-making machine
Invest in Assets That Create Wealth Using OPM
If you chose to invest in assets that will, in turn, pay you income and build your wealth, you will find many lenders are willing to line up and lend you the capital you need to fund your investments. And if you know how to use debt wisely, more specifically good debt, you will understand this truth: “The road to wealth is good debt”. It is only through the wise use of good debt that returns can reach high double digits. In the best scenario—when you don’t use a single dollar from your own money to purchase income-producing assets—your returns can be infinite. To make it more concrete, if you want to invest in rental properties, a large amount of money is required. Most of us do limit our own selves with thoughts such as: "I can never save that amount of money!", so we end up spending our hard-earned money on discretionary expenses. The truth is, you can invest in rental properties using other peoples' money (in most cases the bank's money), and you can borrow anywhere from 80% up to 100% of the property purchase price to own it. I'm sure you've heard of many people around you who purchased properties with zero from their own capital.
Resource: Book your strategy call and discover the hacks to owning properties using none of your own money
I invite you to rewire your brain about this limiting belief