Doesn't matter which way you turn ...

Doesn't matter which way you turn ...

One drenched dog …

One broken umbrella …

One sopping wet woman …

Have you ever felt as though it didn’t matter which way you turn the wind and rain are hammering your face with their full force?

Have you ever felt like it doesn’t matter what you try it’s jinxed? That nothing works out as you planned for it to?

Despite that you keep on going, turning in a different direction, trying something new only to be slammed in the face again by the wind and rain. 

You’re not alone.

She looked up at me as if to say, “are you crazy, we’re not going out in this”. Yet, out we went. Her face said, “can we go home?” We kept on going.

Why, you might wonder. Here’s what I know to be true for me. Everything in my life is better when I walk on the beach first thing in the morning … literally I’m out of bed and onto the beach. 

Why do I do it regardless of the weather, I get that you’d ask that, just as Ellie did with her cute face this morning. It’s because I know that I’m hard-wired to function best when I begin my day by moving my body outdoors in nature. Everything goes smoother, I feel more like me and I achieve more. The Universe decreed that on the day of my birth as my body and energy were being coded. 

Obviously I wouldn’t force Ellie, or anyone else for that matter, to come with me and there are days when she refuses to get out of bed to accompany me.  

Each one of us, you included, has certain things that you’d benefit from doing consistently. Yours may not be walking early in the morning come rail, hail or snow. There’ll be some that are personal, like my early morning walks, and others that are business related.  Once you determine what they are you’re living according to your inner code rather than working against it. 

The process is simple – identify and unlock your inner code, then live your life and run your business according to it. 

If you want help doing that, give me a shout. 


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