Doesn't matter how long you go as long as you don't stop
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Sometimes you never forget your old quarrels. People you used to hate and can't stand being around. Including your old bitter annoying neighbor. Feelings of being ashamed or humiliated, being angry in the heat of a moment(basically emotional outbursts). The things you think were important like what x or y thinks/feels/says about you. The need to control what one cannot control (life, others and external events) The clinging and attachment to wrong views, to material things, to old destructive habits...The desire to become what you are not.
This body of flesh and bones will return to the dust it came from but before that it decays, so no matter how pretty/handsome one is. It is their essence that matters and the way they treat others. Your past and illusory self-representations, I am this, I am that...All the melodrama and victimhood one once liked to reinforce, because all the things one has been through led him to the present moment, and made him who he/she is now. All the ephemeral and transient things, be it once new inventions, once new fashion styles, once new trends etc.
With that comes all the superficial things as well. With age comes maturity -hopefully-, so one no longer cares who has the biggest car, the strongest arm etc. Because those things essentially no longer matter. Unless one is a teen an still thinks owning a big car is a big deal. This is all I could think of right now. I'm sure others would share more stuff. All that is ephemeral would eventually dissolve, only what's genuinely important to you would last. Because you water its seeds with your time, energy, attention and money.
As an astronomer I have a different idea of what constitutes “The long run”. Think about how much you know about your grandfather. Now your Great grandfather. Now your Great great grandfather. Anything that doesn’t get you to your goals or doesn’t have a lasting positive effect, like Facebook and negativity for example, do not matter in the long run. Whenever something bad happens, think like this: I’m sad about it right now….but will this matter in 5 years? If the answer’s no, then it doesn’t, forget about it, if the answer’s yes then make sure you don’t lose it.
That doesn’t mean things don’t matter in some way though, every little thing that happens makes you into who you are today, there’s a little something in everything that can help you to your goal. It’s just that some things are more, Much more significant than others in the future. But everything matters in some way. Pretty soon the details will narrow to just a name and eventually even that will disappear. If you have descendants after a few generations little will remain of you beyond your name and maybe an image or two. But go further than that and less and less of you will be regarded as important enough to keep.
Now take an astronomer’s view. In around five billion years the sun will run out of hydrogen and a chain of events will inevitably lead to the destruction of it as a star and probably us as a planet. Nothing that ever mattered to anyone living today will survive. Our own species will have evolved beyond what could be called human and every physical thing you see around you bill either boil or go very crispy. Now tell me how important you think getting that new phone is or the argument you just had with your neighbour.
Now a days every thing matters…what to be what not be in long run it's a secondary thing..To be in long run we need some essential and basic things. Example :-To start a relationship from “boys” side she must be beautiful to love. While looking for alliances.. She must be educated, well furnish from looking to cooking and many more…Though we don't need any dowry we all look for those things. Though love happens with no formality..But latter on formalities to be taken on.
It was all about relationship..Coming to work-‘job’ it also a long run,we work in a particular office for many periods.. so what are the important things.? In this long lasting run.. Nothing expect a quality and quantity of work we do.. But to get a job there must be a essential qualifications to be placed in a particular organization. So in my point of view there are No things that don't matter in long run. Each and everything thing matters.. and matters a lot. Cheers!
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