It doesn't fit in my camera bag, but it is my favorite Nikon camera.
John Golding
External Examiner for BSc (Hons) Healthcare Science (Ophthalmic Imaging) University of Gloucestershire
I was fortunate enough to be there at the launch of Silverstone back in 2019. Douglas Anderson (below left at the launch) was motivated to invent the Optos by the desire to help prevent vision loss due to retinal detachments (RD). The Silverstone has allowed us to find retinal holes in RD patients and monitor the postoperative status and resolution of the RD. And it has also allowed us to find much more. I love the ability to put an SS-OCT on any area of interest on an Optomap during routine Optos imaging. I can quickly add clinically valuable SS-OCT information to an Optomap for patients. In diagnostic imaging, it always feels good to get the images that can confirm the diagnosis for the doctor and the patient. The Silverstone is a powerful retinal imaging device for diagnosis and discovery. COVID restrictions have made the Optomap even more valuable, allowing lower-risk physician evaluation of the entire retina with OCT! Unfortunately, COVID restrictions also meant that the hair and make-up professionals we not allowed into the clinic for the filming of the video. #netanchoudhry #VRMTO #Optos #UWF # #Nikon