Does your talent assessment provide a comparison between two people?
TTI Success Insights Reports begin with a total talent management strategy

Does your talent assessment provide a comparison between two people?

Besides high reliability and validity, a talent assessment should be part of a total talent management strategy, that is, it needs to

? be great at the candidate evaluation/hiring step for talent-to-job matching, help the manager ensure a successful onboarding and fast start for the new hire,

? provide clear guidance to the manager and individual around communication preferences, how to motivate and how to manage,

? continue to be a continuous improvement/professional development tool and support team development.

One of the most powerful supplemental coaching tools I provide to managers is the TTI Success Insights Comparison Reports.

Effective communication is at the heart of any successful organization. The TTI Success Insights assessments create a shared language and understanding across teams, but what if two individuals are having a hard time communicating with each other? What if you wanted to see a side-by-side comparison of a manager and an employee in order to identify the places where communication is lacking?

The Comparison Report is your answer!

You can compare an employee to their manager, a potential hire to the hiring manager, two troubled employees, or anyone outside of an organization, like partners, friends, and co-collaborators of any kind!

You can compare DISC (behaviors) assessments, The 12 Driving Forces? (Personal Motivators) and DNA Competencies (work-related soft skills). The Comparison Report will put each individual next to each other so that respondents can easily see the differences in the Primary Behavioral Cluster, Primary Driving Forces Cluster, or Competencies Hierarchy. The report will even plot each individual on the different wheels/continuum.

What's the Impact?

Through a facilitated debriefing, incredible high-quality and productive dialogue takes place. Managers can take ownership of conducting/facilitating the debriefing or bring a third-party certified consultant (see my contact info below).

The different uses for the Comparison Reports are endless!

If you have any questions about how to create a talent Comparison Report or utilize this powerful hiring and development tool in your organization, please reach out to me.

Carl Nielson

[email protected]



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