Does Your Sales Methodology Deliver?
Barrett - Everybody lives by selling something
Helping people and businesses sell better with ethical, human-centred sales strategies, systems and practices
In 30 seconds
Sales Methodologies define the “how” of selling – the approach, principles, and practices. Finding a sales methodology that resonates with your clients AND unifies and empowers your sales team to sell better is paramount. Barrett’s Selling Better Sales Methodology is a step-change to a collaborative, emotionally intelligent approach that addresses what clients want in a conventional sense and places a strong emphasis on understanding and responding to the client’s emotional, social, and relational needs. It creates the foundation for solid mutually beneficial and trust-based partnerships that go beyond transactions and conventional sales methodologies.
In 2 minutes
The topic of sales methodologies is an evergreen one that regularly comes up in client conversations and with sales teams. The right sales methodology for an organisation can make all the difference in the success of a sales operation.
Let’s first start by clearly defining the difference between Sales Process and Sales Methodology:
So, what is the current state of your team’s sales approach and methodology?
In the intricate dance of sales, it is paramount to find a sales methodology that resonates with your clients AND unifies and empowers your sales team to sell better. Enter Barrett’s Selling Better Sales Methodology.
This sales methodology goes beyond applying conventional sales techniques. It’s a step-change to a collaborative, emotionally intelligent approach that addresses what clients want in a conventional sense and places a strong emphasis on understanding and responding to the client’s emotional, social, and relational needs. It creates the foundation for solid mutually beneficial and trust-based partnerships that go beyond transactions and conventional sales methodologies.
Selling Better acknowledges the importance of creating a safe space for people to be heard and understood which leads to better collaboration and shared outcomes. It recognises the personal and business challenges posed by the VUCA* environment and equips businesses, and sales teams in particular, to navigate through challenging times and fosters meaningful client relationships that deliver better outcomes for clients and better sales results for sales teams.
Selling Better is a structured and flexible sales methodology that includes principles, standards, devices, and tools that can augment other sales methodologies you already have established. This ensures consistency and establishes sustainable and transferable standards, reducing reliance on the habits of individual salespeople. Selling Better completes your sales approach by closing any gaps and inconsistencies, especially when it comes to human-to-human engagement.
While some sales methodologies drown sales teams in administrative tasks, Selling Better is agile, transparent, and adaptable. It avoids the pitfalls of rigidity, providing visible and flexible guidelines that empower salespeople to get out in the field and apply them with immediate impact. They can navigate their sales process without being bound by a fixed, inflexible methodology.
So, what is the current state of your team’s sales approach and methodology?
By embracing the Selling Better Sales Methodology, businesses can cultivate and lead successful human-centred, collaborative, and value-based sales teams. The result is a business and sales culture that attracts and retains more of the clients and salespeople you want.
Remember, everybody lives by selling something.
*VUCA – volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous
Author: Sue Barrett, founder and MD of Barrett
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Stories from the field
I FOUND THE FS!!! I had a business case presentation this afternoon to take a pilot client to full roll out and I opened with WWW. The Director and Head of Retail paused, looked at each other and then spoke openly for the next 10 minutes while I took notes. At the risk of turning it into TLDR, the result is a $84K deal being drawn up and a full roll out before Christmas. Thanks for your session, wisdom and concepts – came at a perfect time for me and definitely is already being put to good use and helping me shut up and listen.