How does your mindset and attitude contribute to daily aches and pains?

75+ % of the population currently suffers from daily aches and pains or has in their lifetime. This pretty much means everybody will deal with pain or knows somebody that will deal with pain in their lifetime. 

What are the current options for dealing with daily pain today? 

1. Medication

2.Pain Management




These are what I call the Big 5 of Pain Relief-- but do they actually work long term? And.. what is the mechanism of most pain? In spending my career keeping high level athletes healthy and now working with high level Executives, I have come to realize the above are short term solutions.

In the world of Pro Sports its about getting the athlete on the field to play that night. After all, every game a player does not play could cost an Organization a few hundred thousand dollars. This short term mindset and goal often leads to further use and support of the above.

When this is sustained long term- if often leads to dependency because the roots of pain are never addressed. The above methods do not work long term when they are not a part of an integrated plan. Massage without specific therapeutic exercise and stress management is incomplete. 

The mechanism of pain is often tension. When nerves are squeezed by tight muscles, pain is the end result. If you take a muscle relaxer, the muscle will temporarily relax, but will eventually repeat the same tension pattern and lead to more pain.

If we sit in the same posture day in and day out- that position could lead to more tension, more pressure on the nerve, and therefore more pain. This situation is very common amongst frequent flying Executives, CEOs, and Athletes. 

The day to day activities we are participating in, without a daily recovery plan and pain prevention plan are leading us into a loop of pain. 

How can you perform maximally if you are experiencing chronic pain? My whole career was about assessment and evaluation, along with studying current and previous pain patterns to identify roots/ origin/ and mechanism. Once this was determined, we then put together a plan to solve the issues of pain and a plan to maximize performance. 

The issue with modern treatment of pain is that it is 1- dimensional. Meaning.. one of the above strategies is selected while the person may be needing a combination, as well as somebody to help them put together a complete strategy towards the main goal of ending pain. 

The underlying cause of pain, driving most muscle tension, ultimately comes down to stress. Mental stress and negative attitudes tighten the body, cause the adrenal hormone or flight/ flight response, which feeds into the pain loop. Stress-- is often only thought of as mental, but overloading positions, postures, and repetitive movements are all perceived as stress to the body. Exercise when performed in repetition and excess is perceived as stress as well.

If you are looking to reduce pain, you must reduce stress (mental stress and physical stress--- which we refer to as tension). Our next blog will focus on the strategies. #trainlikeapro

Dana Cavalea is the Former Director of Strength and Conditioning and Performance for the New York Yankees. He is currently a Performance Consultant and Speaker for Professional Athletes, CEOs, Executives, and Teams & Companies. In addition, he is the founder of ML Strength Inc.- a performance training Company. For more information check out:


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