Does Your Life Insurance Cover You Outside You Home Country?
JW Haagensen
Health Insurance Specialist at MHG Insurance – Yacht & Cruise Ship Crew, Ship Repairers, Cruise Ship Entertainers & Concessionaires
Having life insurance should be a priority for everyone!
Life Insurance can be a topic that is difficult to plan for, and may be something you don’t want to think about. However, no matter what stage you are at in life, it should be a priority. If you are a young person just starting your career, now is the time to purchase a policy so you can lock in a lower premium. If you are a bit more established with children, what will happen to them if something happens to you? If you are about to retire and move to your dream house in the tropics, how will your spouse pay for the mortgage if the unexpected happens?
Questions to Ask Yourself
When purchasing a life insurance policy there are a plethora of things to consider; such as the amount of the benefit, the beneficiaries, and what actions are actually covered. One thing that may be assumed is that the coverage will be provided no matter where you are in the world. However, that is not always the case. For the most part, life insurance policies only provide coverage in the country they are purchased.
When purchasing life insurance, you should ask yourself questions such as:
- “How much coverage do I need?”
- “How long do I need coverage for?”
- “What type of policy should I purchase?”
- “Who should be my beneficiary?”
Many people don’t think to ask themselves:
- “Do I have international coverage?”
- “Do I need international coverage?”
That latter set of questions can be crucial if you are a person who travels a lot. Retirees traveling the world, yacht crew, and cruise ship workers are just a few of the people who may need international coverage. Typically, if you are in a foreign country for 3 or more months, your life insurance will not offer the coverage if something were to happen to you. So if you are a world traveler, or hope to move to a foreign country one day, or are an expat who looks to settle down back home when you are done with your career abroad, it may be smart to look at your policy and see if you are covered.
MHG Can Help!
If being away from home for long periods of time applies to you, then international life insurance should be a priority. Deciding if you need the extra coverage is the easy part, now comes what type of policy is right for you!
A large number of our clients work internationally, and could greatly benefit from having an international life insurance policy. In fact, many of our employees are expats themselves, and have personal and professional experience that can be used to assist you. It should also be noted that the price for international coverage policies are usually comparable to those that don’t have international coverage.
There are many things to take into consideration when making the decision of which type of policy is best for you, your family, or loved ones. For help trying to figure out which policy is best for you, read our previous blog, “What Are My Life Insurance Options?” Are you interested in purchasing Life Insurance or International Life Insurance? Would you like some more information regarding Life Insurance options that are available to you? Would you like to ask some questions to a Life Insurance expert? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please contact us 954-828-1819 or visit us online at and talk to one of our insurance specialists for help in selecting Life Insurance and other coverage to ensure that you and your loved ones have the protection you need at every stage of life.