Does your company culture tick all the boxes?
Source of long-term competitive advantage

Does your company culture tick all the boxes?

December 2022 | 3 mins read

Defined as the backbone of every successful organisation, culture is among the most valuable assets for the company and a source of long-term competitive advantage. While many different concepts and definitions have emerged over the years, culture is based on a blend of continuously evolving elements unique to every organisation.

cultural quote

When properly aligned with personal values, drives, and needs, those elements can unleash tremendous amounts of power toward an optimised performance without constant observation.

Why is it essential to have a strong culture in 2023??

The world has changed, and our expectation of what work represents has shifted too. The aftermath of Covid-19 served as the ultimate reset for many people who no longer go above and beyond based on chasing financial incentives. Instead, people ask more from their employers and require mission-driven and flexible working conditions as part of their working environment. Failure to address this shift in the mindset of employees would significantly affect labour productivity and employee engagement.?

Here is our 2023 checklist to help you understand if your company has the core elements of a thriving cultural framework.?


  • Cultural Awareness

Our employees are aware of the company's culture,  and they can provide a clear definition when asked.

Cultural awareness will open the possibility for better opportunities, faster decision making and effective communication throughout the whole organisation. Being culturally aware allows employees to develop more reliable work relationships based on shared goals and similar values.?

  • Dialogue?

All employees know how to address their concerns  or ask for support in a safe and caring environment.

Working in an open dialogue environment will boost your employees' performance and productivity. Allowing people to address their?concerns with different topics, including mental health or financial difficulties, would indicate that they are valued and recognised as human beings, not only workers.?

  • Flexibility?

We offer flexible working conditions, and our  employees are aware of how to access them.

Today flexible working conditions have become a requirement, and employees progressively expect access to such options. Every company can develop flexible alternatives based on their internal operations, from a hybrid working environment or compressed hours to the opportunity for job sharing.?

  • Opportunity

We provide training resources and growth opportunities to all our employees, no matter their rank or department.

Fostering a culture of growth based on new skills or career development would serve as a silent message to employees that they are incentivised and expected to continue their development within the company. New skills, leadership titles, or simply polishing existing abilities should be part of the development plan for every employee.

  • Autonomy?

Our employees can take ownership of their work,  share unique ideas and work on special projects.

Working on special projects affects an employee's sense of opportunity but also impacts their engagement, perceptions of leaders, and motivation to do great work. Being allowed to participate in a particular project shows employees that they are valued and have unique talents. It gives them visibility with leaders and peers they may not normally interact with and exposes them to new knowledge and skills.

  • Purpose

Employees are aware of the company's purpose  and the way they contribute with their efforts.

Most people want to find meaning in what they do, no matter which level of corporate hierarchy they are. Having a clear purpose will significantly improve work engagement rates and offer higher fulfilment for employees, while failure to do so would lead to lower satisfaction rates and, eventually, loss of talent.?


Answering the six questions with a YES will indicate that your organisation has acknowledged the shift in employees' frame of mind and is prepared to address their needs accordingly.

If that is not the case and some areas need further development, refer to this checklist periodically to gauge your improvements or download the attached PDF file.??

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