Does Your Client Not Only Look Good But Feel Good Too?
Marissa Bennett - Make-up Artist Mentor
Professional Hair & Makeup Training Courses and Marketing for Makeup Artists
Does Your Client Not Only Look Good But Feel Good Too?
Compliments go along way...
I’ve never been shy to tell the truth and if I think they have amazing eyes, beautiful skin, long eyelashes or gorgeous cheek bones I will tell them.
It’s not something I’ve thought about, it comes naturally, but I have noticed it goes along way...let’s face it everyone likes to receive a compliment!
I’m not talking about the sales woman who stands at the changing room telling you, “Wow you look amazing in that dress you should buy it!”...Knowing it looks like your grannies crazy curtains!
I don’t tell fibs... I am honest with it and tell it how I see it, however pointing out something you see is attractive about another person is not only flattering but it creates a bond with your client...
The BEST Compliments are the True ones really does give your clients and huge confidence boost, I can actually see a change in you not only make them look beautiful... but you help them feel it too!
You will always leave a lasting impression if you are a genuinely nice person.
Try it with your costs nothing and it makes such a difference to someones day!
Marissa Bennett
Hair and Makeup Artist Mentor
Be Creative Makeup Academy