Does Your Christianity Impact You Before, During, and/or After You Play Sports?
I discussed this question at a coaches training recently along with the troubling conclusions from recent research of the complete lack of impact that Christianity had on the 100 Division III athletes during their play.
After the training, a tall young woman approached me. She told me her own story that verified the results of this research. Here is what she said:
I played D2 Volleyball at a “Methodist” school. We would ALWAYS say the Lord’s Prayer before the game as a team, I personally would pray for strength and safety as well before the game. If we won we would thank the Lord for the win—— But never once did we pray DURING the game. I found that every interesting and actually had never realized it until Bob made me think about it! There is no reason why we shouldn’t ask God for strength and endurance DURING a game! We should also give him thanks after a game (even if we lost) for him giving us the strength to do our best! Glory should be given to God before, during, and after all games win or lose!
The thing I found so challenging is that she never even thought about this until she sat there that day.
With that in mind, let me ask you a few questions: Read More