does your child speak more than one language?
Remember, every new language provides us with yet
another way of understanding and approaching the
Global competitiveness as a result of knowing how to
speak a second language can yield great benefits later on
for many children. This is one of the many reasons why
parents are increasingly seeking out second-language or
Spanish-English playgroups for their children. The
primary motivating factor for many parents with whom
I work is having the child be able to communicate
effectively with a family member he might not
otherwise be able to communicate with if he did not
speak or understand the language.
This booklet was created to provide parents accurate
and reliable information that will accommodate their
yearning to supply their children with optimal
opportunities in the area of second-language learning.
It is very important to implement and utilize behavioral
approaches with young children, especially when a
primary and pivotal goal is for them to learn a second
language. This is because just as language-delayed
youngsters need to be provided an external incentive to
communicate, children who are learning two languages
need to be “coaxed” to stay on track with using the
language when asked. An example of this would be that
the parent asks, “Joey, please use Spanish with Grandma
when she comes for lunch tomorrow.”
This assumes that the child, Joey, has sufficient
second-language experience to understand and use
terminology relevant to his grandmother’s visit. To
insure sufficient experience, I recommend what I call a
dynamic assessment procedure, wherein you are
constantly measuring what the child hears, understands,
and can use in the new language.
Dynamic assessment is useful not only as a nonbiased
assessment procedure when evaluating children, but
also for both parents and teachers who are working to
foster childhood bilingualism.
For years and years, access to accurate information
about bilingualism has not been easy to locate, and
myths about childhood bilingualism and
second-language learning have continued to
predominate. These issues most definitely impact
parents’ educational and language choices for both
mainstream culture children and culturally linguistically
diverse (CLD) children who are learning English as a
second language.
Accurate information may be difficult to find because of
various sociopolitical factors that influence what we see,
hear, and know about bilingual education. For example,
did you know that bilingual education models across
this country do not enjoy a good reputation because they
are typically not supported or administered with
enough uniformity for results to be accurately measured
and evaluated?
For both parents of CLD and mainstream culture
children, access to accurate information is essential.
Accurate information appears to influence parental
choice, as well as views regarding bilingualism and the
most appropriate road to achieving it.
What is the state of bilingualism?
What are the current myths and accurate beliefs about
How do we best achieve it? What are the best routes to
go for children and families interested in making
bilingualism a part of their lives?
What barriers need to be knocked down in order to
reach a better understanding of multilingualism and its
What myths stand in the way of proliferation and
retention of accurate information for the parent
How can we address these issues effectively and in a
long term manner?
Our personal values and belief systems influence very
much what we pass on to our children and how we pass
it on. In fact, our personal values and beliefs are
important to consider when we think about our views of
bilingualism. The topic is a politically
controversial one, where there is much divide. Parents
who, at least in part, feel that bilingual education has
failed them may be reticent to learn how to facilitate
second-language skill sets in their own children.
We offer here clear, accurate information about
bilingualism and the best path to becoming bilingual. It
is an absolute necessity to have accurate information in
order to proceed and kick