Does Your Business Need Purpose?
Mike Clark
Passionate Business Trainer, Speaker on a mission to help people realise and reach their potential
Do you ever hear team members say things like “I have to come to work”, “Well it’s a job”, “I’ve got to to do this”?
Have you ever sensed your team at work is merely going through the paces waiting for the weekend?
Do you find yourself wishing your team was more engaged?
None of the above are unusual. According to Gallup over the last 20 years only between 26-34% of employees are “engaged” with 13-20% being “actively disengaged”. Ever since I came across the concept of “employee engagement” back when I was in my very early 20’s I have been intrigued with this topic because I have witnessed first hand the difference between engaged teams, merely present teams and actively disengaged teams. The difference is huge!
Notably is the attitude difference between an “I’ve got to work” team member and “I get to work” team member. Coming to work with the realisation that your job is a privilege not a right, with the understanding that one has a choice, and with an attitude of gratitude make a huge difference on individuals and teams.
This is where purpose can play a large part in engaging people more. When an organisation is clear that it exists for more than just the output of product and service and has a ‘higher purpose’ it allows team members to be on a team that makes a difference. The first example I remember from my early training was of shipyard welders in WW2 who welded record amounts during the war. The attitude was not “I am doing my job” but rather “I am helping win the war” - there was purpose. The oft quoted example of the floor sweeper at NASA in the 1960’s who, when asked what his job was, replied, “I am helping put a man on the moon”.
People need purpose. People need to know they matter and that what they do makes a positive difference. Ironically the turmoil of 2020 has caused a lot of people to question what really matters in their life. This ‘forced’ introspection has had the paradoxical impact of increasing engagement - “Gallup found early last month, the percentage of "engaged" workers in the U.S. -- those who are highly involved in, enthusiastic about, and committed to their work and workplace -- reached 38%. This is the highest it has been since Gallup began tracking the metric in 2000.Jul 2, 2020”
Does your business have a purpose that is bigger than self? Is there a concern about the impact your business has and an eager desire for this impact to be positive? Do you feel connected to your purpose? The answer to these questions often help to answer “Why do you exist?”
When this understanding is shared and grasped by the internal team, people realise that they “get to” partake in a worthy cause. If you want to engage your team to bring the best of themselves to work - then find your purpose, your “why”, your “worthy cause” and connect them with how their role contributes to this.
Here's to your success!