Does Your Business Need Cleansing?
Before I start each reading, whether it's over the phone or in person, I cleanse my office to ensure negative energies are not present.
What if as a business owner, manager, etc; you did the same? Face it, the business world faces negativity each and every day. Whether it's sales, operations, marketing, finance or human resources, negative energies are present everywhere.
So...what do you do?
First; use the Law of Attraction by stating positive affirmations each and every day. Not a "here's what I don't want to happen", but by stating, "here's what I would like to happen."
Second, keep the thoughts positive...this is a way of manifesting our wants and desires to the Universe. The Universe wants you to succeed.
Third, take a few minutes every month to take some sage to cleanse every corner of the building or office...sounds new age-ish I know, but trust me it works. Sage will absolutely rid your business of negative energies.