Does your business look professional to the world? Issue #028
When you work for someone else, your employer often provides you with a computer, a phone, an email address, and/or business cards. The company has a logo, a website, and procedures established for how to get the work done.
When you work for yourself, you start with none of that. It’s up to you to provide these things for yourself. And even though many professionals have come from a corporate past, they don’t bring many of these things into their own businesses.
Get a professional business card
Yes, even in this digital world, with a business card (a real one!), you can make a good first impression – a small investment in a professional-looking card will make a great one.
Get a "real" email address
If you have a registered domain (, it’s just a few more steps to use this for email ([email protected]). It’s worth the little bit of extra effort to demonstrate that you’re serious.
Create a consistent look
Presentations, brochures, online materials, etc., anything you show to clients and others should feel consistent. Don’t try to reflect a new expression of creativity in each piece. Use consistent fonts and colours, as well as consistent wording in the way you describe who you are and what you do.
The above things are reasonably easy to implement and don't cost the world, plus, they will make you feel so much better!