Does your Business have a Soul?
Interesting question isn't it? As a psychic medium / clairvoyant / intuitive I run across people every day, who sit in front of me and have no idea where their business is going or if they do know, haven't a clue as to what to do next.
It could be because, they've grown too fast, too slow, not enough finances, not enough qualified people, too much payroll, not enough payroll, too much inventory; etc.
I believe it boils down to one thing...they haven't spent any time getting acqianted with their business's soul. I know it sounds very new ageish; but think about it...I hear all the time, "this business is my baby"; "my business is very personal to me", "if only I could understand my business better". You will swear people are talking about things that have a soul...and they are.
Everything, including inanimate objects, have a soul or to put it better, ENERGY. Take time to know the energy of your business...sit in silence for five minutes and listen to your business's soul...listen to your intuition about decisions facing your business. You'll be amazed at the results.
Your business is calling ...will you take this call?