Does Your Brand Tap Into One of These 10 Motivators?
99.9999% of marketing and sales is motivation. It’s understanding the motivations of your ideal clients and tapping into that need. Do you know what motivates your audience? Does your brand tap into one of these 10 motivators?
You may have the best product or service in the world, but what you sell and what you provide are fundamentally different.
The 10 motivations are:
1. The desire for SELF-PRESERVATION
2. The emotion of LOVE
3. The emotion of FEAR
4. The emotion of SEX
5. The desire for LIFE AFTER DEATH
6. The desire for FREEDOM OF BODY AND MIND
7. The emotion of ANGER
8. The emotion of HATE
10. The desire for MATERIAL GAIN
Leveraging one or more of these motivations can help rapidly explode your brand. As an example with the mass hysteria around contracting the Corona Virus, the video conferencing SaaS company Zoom 2.22 million monthly active users so far in 2020. more videoconferencing users this year than in all of 2019.
This is because Zoom has unwittingly tapped into the motivation of Self-Preservation.
Which of these motivations do you speak too?
For example, as a social media consultant who helps personal brands generate massive awareness leading to more opportunities and sales. You would think the desire for material gain is the main motivating factor, but that isn’t the case.
Most of my clients are looking for life after death. They are looking to leave a legacy behind, change the world and set their families up for generations. Money and material gain are a byproduct of massive awareness.
They need more exposure, they need more eyeballs on their message. They need to win this digital game for something bigger than making money.
Psst. If that is you, get in touch let’s talk! [email protected]
Going back to what I said earlier, what you sell and what people buy are different.
I see social media consulting. What people buy is the freedom of mind, life after death, and material gain.
Freedom of mind because understanding social medias every changing landscape is a pain in the tushie.
Life after death as they desire to leave that legacy.
Material gain because they desire to generate more money, followers, and success as money is a tool to change the world.
What is it that you sell, what is it that they buy? Leave a comment.