Does working from home, work for you?
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Does working from home, work for you?

Many in Essex were catapulted into working from home on a permanent basis when the Covid-19 pandemic hit.

For many FSB members, this was a seamless transition as they had already been working from home as a small business or sole trader for many years. For others, it was a scramble to get equipment sent out and get their staff connected during the lockdown.

Post-pandemic trends

Several years on, the ironing board may no longer be a make-shift desk for some, but people continue to work from home in their droves. Or at least in a hybrid fashion.

55% of small businesses now offer home working to some or all staff, compared to 39% before the pandemic. Moreover, the proportion offering working from home to all staff has doubled from 15% to 30%.

In addition, FSB research has found that of those small businesses offering flexible working, the employer benefits identified included a reduction in staff absences (44%), creation of new business processes (44%), and additional business cost savings (39%).

Here, at the FSB, we are a digital first organisation that has been working remotely, spread over many satellite offices and with staff working from home in the regions, for over 15 years.

Whilst working from home and hybrid working has been advantageous for the FSB, we recognise that this arrangement doesn’t suit every individual, or indeed every organisation – it’s not a one size fits all approach.

Let’s first look at some of the benefits our FSB members have reported…


1)?????Zero commute

No commute into work can not only reduce stress levels by avoiding traffic jams, but it can increase the time workers spend at home – leading to a better work/life balance and enhanced wellbeing.

Many FSB members report that their staff are far more productive at home, than in an office, and they have been able to widen their talent pool by introducing work from home or hybrid working positions.

This has, in turn, contributed to a more diverse and inclusive employee community. Working parents, care givers and those with mental or physical disabilities who may need a more flexible schedule are all now able to follow their career aspirations.

For more ideas on how to recruit and retain talent, visit our new Skills Hub.

2)?????Reduced cost and carbon footprint

With rising fuels costs, (plus the added cost of office attire, lunches out, parking fees etc…), no daily commute can often result in being more cost effective for the individual. Wider than that, reducing commuter travel can reduce the carbon footprint of a business and have a positive impact on climate change. It has also enabled those living in rural areas with poor transport links to gain access to more job opportunities.

Now, let’s look at some of the disadvantages of working from home that FSB members have reported…



Connectivity is key. The frustration of getting stuck in a traffic jam on the way to work can easily be replaced with the frustration of buffering, call dropouts and slow download speeds due to poor broadband or mobile phone connection whilst working from home.

Digital infrastructure is a critical enabler of productivity and broader business competitiveness across Essex, with 31% of FSB members reporting pre-pandemic that poor connectivity is hampering their growth.

That’s why the FSB is calling for Government, industry, and regulators to work together to remove barriers to deployment and installation of full fibre, to deliver full fibre connectivity to all premises by 2025. In some of the most remote areas, where this is not possible, those premises should be gigabit capable by 2025, which widens the scope of technologies available to achieve such a connection.

2)?????Mental health and wellbeing

Research shows that poor mental health in the workplace is widespread with around half (48%) of people saying they have experienced a mental health problem in their current job.

Owning and running a business can be hugely rewarding but it also brings with it demands, responsibilities and risks that can impact on a person’s health and wellbeing.

Many who run a small business or who are a sole trader working from home may find themselves alone for long periods of time, or permanently, without peer support around them. That’s why the FSB have developed the Wellbeing Hub, a curated portal of resources, downloads, and top tips from experts to help you get started with workplace wellbeing.

Small business owners also have a crucial role to play in starting the conversation about mental health when their staff are working from home or hybrid working.

The ‘It’s OK to Talk about Mental Health’ guide is a good place to start.

Free FSB Resources

Whether working from home or hybrid working is right for you and your business or not, it certainly seems here to stay…

Download your free guide on ‘How Manage Remote and Home Workers’.


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