Does IT and war should really be connected?

Does IT and war should really be connected?

At first, I want to point out, that this article is not about seeking who to blame and choose any side of current conflict, but the attempt to figure out the situation and look to it from the side.

My message is primarily for intelligent people from IT, infosecurity and all modern technologies all over the world, because I believe that we all here are above all accusations and household squabbles.

What can I say about current crisis between Russia and Ukraine? - It's not the crisis of citizens, it's the crisis of politics. And not only politics from Russia and Ukraine, but also from every other country due to political system is global now, and every country connected to others in almost all aspects of the life. Armed struggle is the last option to resolve any conflict, and before this happened, I think there was a lot of political negotiations and actions between all countries of the world, that led to current conflict globally. So honestly, sanctions should be applied not only to one side of the conflict, but my reason to write this article is not to talk about politics.

Face it - we don't know enough about politics, as professional politicians do - we are all here, because we are experts in our technology fields. And when we blindly apply politics in that way to our usual life, it transforms into hatred.

Common sense is to apply sanctions on companies, who directly involved in the conflict. Instead, hatred is to apply sanctions on every person and every company in Russia, no matter of their thoughts and connections. So from the side it looks like a raсist aggression against all Russian people.

I thought, that we all, as people of the whole world, left all this evil bias in 20th century. How to explain, that some of people I work with and drink beer together for a long years, in just one moment turn away, despite we know each other very well? I ask you again to think about it from the side.

A few words about current conflict, from the inside of Ukraine and Russia - from the point of view of formal citizen of Russia and who has relatives in Ukraine, like many others of us. This is the point, that most of people from other countries don't know. Russian and Ukraine people have tight relations and the one history. We are the one nation, we help each other even now, and we will help each other to rebuild everything, that is broken, after this conflict will be over. It's not our conflict as people, instead it's a global politic conflict. And it will soon be over. You can't imagine how fast together Urkaine and Russia people and business will recover and get back to normal life due to deep understanding between us, as people.

But what shall we do with global IT relations after that? How we can work together, after we faced so strong aggression from colleagues all over the world? When vendor of consumer goods and business solutions suddenly destroy all relations, that were build for many years. Isn't it racist? Isn't it an attempt to destroy the whole country no matter what? How we can continue to work after the conflict will be over, if we could not trust each other? We are not animals, and we are far away from the stone Age.

This is my message to all intelligent people. I really hope you all are in my LinkedIn connections list. Think about this situation from the side, without emotions and influence of global information pressure. We are not from Russia, USA, England or other countries. We are all from the united world, and should help each other to overcome any problems, including current one. We are all visionaries and create the Future. And in future there's no place for hatred.

Let's separate from the politician games and stay humans. Instead of multiply violence, let's help each other.

Unfortunately I don't have enough time to answer on the comments and private messages - I have tons of unexpected work to keep the business up and running in this situation, as most of my friends and colleagues, who work in Russia.

All I wanted to say in this article is my appeal to all of you be intelligent, think and analyze the situation without emotions. I'm sure, that soon this horrible conflict will be over, and both Russian and Ukrainian people will build united future, as it always was.

But the one question left - Is in this future place for other companies, vendors and people from other parts of the world, who multiply aggression, forget about simple help, and don't understand, that the conflict is literally inside one nation, that was divided by short-sighted politicians.

If my thoughts make sense to you, please, share this article with your colleagues. Let's together do something to stop multiply violence, aggression and racism. Let's stop breaking connections and try to remember, that we are all people, each one is different and unique in so many ways, and that makes our community stong and free of politics. #commonsence


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