Does Virta really work?
Sami Inkinen
CEO & Founder @Virta Health; Investor in health. Ping me to join our team to reverse diabetes and obesity in 1B people!
So does Virta Health really work? Does it work "in the real world" to reverse Type 2 Diabetes and help patients lose weight?
I was reflecting reasons to be grateful during Thanksgiving and read through several thousand of our Virta Health patient comments from the last couple of years. I was so moved by the experience that decided to share a handful of them with our team in my Thanksgiving note -- so much to be grateful for and it never gets old to be part of someone's (the real N=1) journey towards better health and chronic disease reversal. For me, it's the type of work worth doing.
I thought why not share some of these patient quotes more widely, so you too can see what kind of positive impact on metabolic health is possible with today's tools, science and technology.
Here are comments from N=150 recent Virta Health patients, who we are helping on their personal journey towards reversing their T2 diabetes and/or losing weight. If you're wondering what's my favorite, it's the quote #149.
(Disclaimer:?these are of course patient anecdotes and some of them mention remarkable outcomes that can go far beyond T2D reversal, including improving eye sight, PCOS, auto-immune diseases, sleep apnea, etc.; if you're looking for more conclusive evidence about Virta's capabilities, our 10+ peer-reviewed, published papers from our controlled, prospective clinical trial are all here and more to come soon.)
N=150 Virta Health patient quotes about their experience
1. I love what Virta has done for me.? NO doctor had been able to help me get better.? You guys have saved my life.? I'm off Insulin.
2. My doctor was AMAZED! He asked me all about virta and what I have been doing. I explained it all to him, we reviewed the lab results from August and I am very happy to say that I am now completely medication FREE! No diabetes OR statins. The results of this exam was that there were “no notes” and instructed me to keep doing what you’re doing, it’s working GREAT!!
3. Hi, Just got back from my Endocrinologist appointment and great news!! He said my A1C was over 15 before I started this program. Actually, it was so high it would not register on the it was 6.4!!! Doing the happy dance right now. Thank you so much for this, I could not have done it without you guys.
4. Most proud of the fact that I reversed T2 , my PCP recognizes that I am “aging backwards” , I have lots more energy to live my life enjoying my wife , grandchildren and otter family. Also, I love my job, am doing well at it since I am able to think much clearer not being distracted by health issues. I am also proud that because of my success, many of my coworkers have joined Virta and most are seeing high levels of success ! Dana, I appreciate all of the help you have given me! 5 years ago, my goal was to retire at 65 or sooner, I had no energy, much neuropathy and did not sleep well. My new plan is to work til at least 70 and pocket 3 years of earnings or more so I can retire and live like a king!
5. I’ve been working out and working out hard the last 12 years since my diagnosis T2. i’ve morphed my diet over and over. ... Virta set me up for success and Endocrinology , GPs , Cardiology all set me up for failure and drug dependence. Kudos to you guys. can i quote the Mandalorians? “ This is the way."
6. In a world of uncaring people, injustice, and greedy company owners, I can’t say enough good things about Virta. So impressed with the learning videos and a care team that CARES.
7. I went for my sleep study results yesterday and I told her I was off of Ozempic and she was impressed that I’ve been off since April and haven’t gained back. She said most of her patients that have stopping Ozempic have definitely gained weight back. So she praised me for that and told me not to give up.
8. Doing the Virta program is one of the best things I've ever done. Thank you all.
9. Quick story. I saw my cardiologist last Friday. He ask when I had my gastric bypass surgery in reference to my weight loss. It was satisfying to state that I didn't have the surgery.
10. So after years of fatigue from fibromyalgia and from pre and then full blown type 2 diabetes it feels weird to have energy.
11. Just got done with my Doctor's appointment. She just kept saying ""oh my God, Oh my God"" over and over going through my levels! She said she's never seen an A1C drop so fast in her whole career! I will have to postpone the zoom with the virta doctor, after last week, I have a lot of catchup to do this week. Anyhow, thank you for your help, it was great to actually have a good appointment with my endo today! Also, for the record, my Endo is not a huge fan of Virta, but she did say with me "This does seem to work for you... I might need to learn more about this.""
12. OMG today marks 100.6 pounds down from when I first started trying to fix my health and weight. I started the journey July 20th at 270.3 and today am 169.7!! Woohoo!! Thank you again!!
13. I am still shocked at how fast I was free of insulin injections. My numbers have been good too. I wish I started this a lot sooner.
14. So far, I have been removed from Farxiga and a reduction of Tresiba from 94 Units to 20 Units currently. My highest weight at my last physical in November 2022 was 392 and I am currently at 351. I have more energy now than I remember having. It has allowed me to complete projects at the house that I have always put off. I have identified when I have eaten simply out of boredom by simply getting out of the preconceived ""time to eat"". This has taught me to eat when hungry and not simply because it is a routine time that I would eat a meal. There are days I go much longer between meals now. I don't crave any sweets or starchy carbs like pasta. I still like dessert but I have found some Virta friendly options that work. I have gained control of not going to the grocery store hungry. People may not think that's a big thing but it makes a huge difference. My trips to the store is much faster because I just get what I need. I was diagnosed in 2006 with Type 2 Diabetes. This is the first time I have been put on offense rather than constantly playing defense. This is the most proactive approach that I have been involved in. Last but not least is the accountability factor on this end. Keeps ya in line.
15. A week or two ago I went to get some jeans on and I realized I could not wear them, they were too big. When I started I was wearing a size 52, I still had some size 50’s and I think a size 48, all too big. So I had to go to Kohl’s and try on stuff to find the right fit, 46 was also big and I ended up with size 44 and 42. So yeah, that was a surprise. I think what I am most proud about is that this all feels normal now. I don’t have regrets or cravings and I am no longer paranoid about sabotaging myself by eating something stupid. Last weekend we were at a retirement party and they served cake. I have not had cake in over 4 months and it was no big deal. I took my plate, ignored the frosting (I have always disliked icing) and took a few bites. I did not instantly crave cake and I did not obsess about what it would do to blood sugar. I did not regret it later, there was a time when I would have. Looking forward to get to 305, I believe that is my half way mark to get to 240.
16. Very pleased. In fact my company wants to do a story on me for what I have done in the short time I’ve been on Virta. They want to promote Virta more with their employees because a lot of them don’t even know about the program. I would be happy to tell them about my success story.
17. Went to doctor today. She was flat out shock at the results. 6.5 A1C and down 27 lbs since February. She’s running other bloodwork too. No med changes at this time. She knows I am off the glipizide.
18. Hi, I had my first bi-yearly doctor appointment last week since starting with Virta. My doctor was astounded with the results! I had lost over 35 pounds and my A1c had gone from 7.5 in late January , 2023 to 5.2 mid June, 2023.
19. I can’t tell you how much hope I feel right now. Hope it’s a great thing. I lost it for a while.
20. I'm not sure how much longer I would have lived if I hadn't started this program, and I definitely wouldn't have started it on my own if my employer didn't offer it. My manager also played a large role in me starting my Virta journey. His encouragement and Virta have probably saved my life.? Thank you.
21. OMG!! OMG!! OMG!! Just got my first A1C test results after starting Virta. It's 6.3!!! Holy crap, this works!
22. I am pretty happy about it. My doctor wrote on the lab results. “Excellent control”. At one time in my life it was as high as 14. Virta gave my life back.
23. It feels great. It also feels great to be at the lowest weight I've been at in almost over 30 years. The last time I was under 200 lbs was before my first pregnancy in 1992. I had pre-eclampsia with that pregnancy and gained 50lbs. I've never made it back under 200 since then so it feels very unreal when I get on the scale and see the number is under 200 daily.
24. Real happy about weight loss so far and the main benefit is getting off all the insulin and metformin diabetic meds. I hope this surgery will improve my balance (which I have none). Neurosurgeon seems confident it will improve. Virta results have been a great benefit in qualifying and preparing for surgeries I have had and the upcoming one.
25. Oh there are so many! I can walk to the mailbox without getting winded or my back hurting, Sitting in my car without my stomach touching the wheel and being able to put my seat belt on without choking me, Being able to bend over without pain and actually being able to touch my toes, My husband feeling proud of me and doing it with me, My jeans are looser and my clothing is fitting better, sleeping better, my body feeling better in general. So many little things but they make a big difference.
26. What I appreciate about this program that even if you lose your way for whatever reason you ca. Totally get back on track quickly. ?Another thing I value about this program is the constant support. When dealing with having diabetes it seems so scary and there is nothing out there on the market that gives you constant emotional support as well as the infinite knowledge and accountability without pain. It is quite astounding and thank you so much. You have been seriously a life saver.
27. I wanted to let you know that I credit Virta on my improved cardiac health! My CAC score was 656 with 2 times in the cath lab due to heart attack. Since Virta my arterial calcium coronary score reduced by 65% and is now 200. No one can tell my that the score can never go down, and cardiac health is directly affected by diabetes (high insulin and high glucose).
28. I have a physical done with my primary doctor on 02/21/2023 and he was impressed with my lab results. He asked me what have I been doing to get my A1C results down and I told him about the Virta program. He told me to keep doing what Virta is teaching me and he’s going to learn more about the program and recommend it to other patients. My A1C was 7.2. I think that was almost a full point drop from my last test in September. He also removed JARDIANCE from my list of medications. Thanks for your help!
29. I want to send a huge thanks to everyone for this incredible journey so far! I love all the support and guidance to lose weight! I have finally beat a goal to have my knee surgery done!! Here’s to continuing this incredible journey to get to my total weight loss goals. Thank you again and hugs to all ?? Virta is saving my life
30. I'm feeling GREAT! I think this will be my lifetime change. I am ready for some new foods mixed in. I have enjoyed the recipe book and have found some Virta friendly recipes online. I am recommending Virta to anyone who will listen! I just recently talked to my physician about Virta and she's looking into it. JUST GREAT!!
31. Dana I want to Thank You and Virta Treatment Program for Saving my Lifr and Giving me Years Back to enjoy with my Family. I have become a well oiled Virta Machine and will continue to live the Virta Life. You are a Gifted Coach who has taken Me to the Top and now 4 years later I'm still looking Down at the Former Guy!!!! Thanks again Dana and to say I'll miss You, would be an understatement!!!Take care, Be Safe and Virta Strong!!!!"
32. This progress means so much to me. I have been asked by people what Im doing to lose weight and it made me happy that people noticed but not happy enough because I wasn’t noticing myself and that was most important. But then I thought, “let me take pictures for my 3 months” and WOW did I notice! I am so beyond grateful for this opportunity. I have tried so many diets and exercise and always failed. My acid reflux was totally out of control, stomach pains, couldnt sleep good, and just feeling yucky always. The day I received a text about Virta I knew right then and there I was ready to change my life. I love Learning new and exciting ways of eating. It feels great to be healthy. My acid reflux is totally gone, no more stomach pains, I sleep great and I feel wonderful. And seeing results motivates me even more. My children are soooo happy for me. Im always in a better mood too!
33. I have learned so much in the virta program and am so grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in it. I will take what I have learned from Virta and continue with this lifestyle change going forward.
34. Also, as a side note… I had given up and accepted I would never lose the weight and never feel healthy again. Even more then the weight loss and the improved health, Virta has given me hope. It’s a blessing.
35. I suffer from Meniere's disease but 30% of my hearing has returned since starting on Virta
36. This first month being on Virta has been amazing. I’ve loss about 13 pounds, I have more energy, and feel better overall. I wish I would have done this years ago but I’m here now.
37. I’ve been happy with the weight loss. And considering some of my options the last few days, I’m happy I was able to continue a slow trend down. It’s been nice as well, that on this program, I don’t see one bad choice/meal as a fail. It’s a choice and one I own. So I’ve kept myself aware of my sidesteps and held myself accountable the next day. And I keep going vs throwing in the towel at one crummy choice. That’s really refreshing.
38. In December and January my pain levels were high, brain fog and generally felt bad. i questioned my future... why do i want to live with constant pain. It hurt to walk through the grocery store, socks hurt my feet and it was impossible to find shoes that did not cause more pain in my feet. I needed to get out of the house for my mental health but the pain was too much. I was obese and trying to reduce calories, but exercise was painful. Sometime in January or February my insurance sent out advertisement for Virta Health.. I've never been able to follow a diet more than a few days. I have had problems with diabetes after I began a new medicine a couple of years ago. Last year I changed medications, and it began to go down but I wanted to get totally off medication for diabetes and lose weight. I applied and it took a while before I was accepted because I needed approval from my doctor and oncologist. I was approved and received my starter pack with the scale and other monitors. Chats, phone calls, and videos to watch. We chose my start day and I slowly ate my last donut, cookie, etc. I had time to set my mindset that this will work if I eat the foods that are listed. I was hard in the beginning only because I need to prepare my meal and a different meal for my partner. I did not have cravings and the foods I ate kept me satisfied. Within a month the pain in my feet was almost gone. The aches and pains in my body were so much less. The weight was falling off. I was able to get out of the house more and my moods began to improve. My hands were not hurting and I wanted to look for a parttime job. The first week of June I accepted a job as an office assistant at a daycare. I have worked childcare for most of my life. As most of businesses we have problems finding workers who show up daily. I have worked in classrooms more than the office. My favorite room is the infant room, One day I took care of 4 infants by myself. I am 66 years old and I retired 6 years ago. I love working now. I have lost 64 pounds and I have gone from a size 22 to a 14 in jeans. I want to lose about 30 pounds. it has been over 30 years since I was at this weight
39. 10 months and 127 lbs down. Just got bloodwork and FG 82 and A1c 5.2. Prior to Virta I lost 72 lbs. So in 2 yrs I am down 202 lbs.
40. But checking my weight and blood sugar helps keep me in check. I care when I see those numbers! ?? So I tell myself you know why this is low or high. Do better with the next thing you eat and the next day. That's what keeps me going. And how QUICKLY I WAS ABLE TO GET OFF OF OZEMPIC AND LOSE WEIGHT! I'm very thankful and excited about this new me, especially my image!
41. Whoop, whoop. No more pre-diabetic range and my cholesterol dropped 20 points. The lifestyle works. Love it!!!
42. I saw my doctor today. He said my weight reduced by over 40 pounds since January. My blood pressure is good, my A1c went down and my blood test results were great. Lipid panel looks really good. He said the change was amazing and he wants to research the Virta diet system.
43. Thank you Truist for providing our teammates with this wonderful benefits option.? It is truly changing our lives.? I have talked to so many fellow teammates who are so appreciative of this amazing benefit. I work in HR and I had actually emailed our benefits head last year and told him what a great benefit it is.? I am in Virta because of pre-diabetes and I was so happy that they broadened the coverage for those with a need for Virta for weight loss. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
44. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror yesterday morning and for the first time could visibly see the changes. It’s one thing so know that clothes don’t fit anymore but to actually look at myself and see the difference…well that was something special! I am in this for the long haul and for sustainability!
45. So just a recent observation/win to share. My wedding ring is finally loose enough to slip off without struggle. I have a permanent indent on my finger but that's pretty exciting to me. My son has asked in the past to see my ring and I was never able to squeeze it off with ease. I also started wearing a belt and moved from the 2nd notch In to the 3rd. It's the small steps like this that motive me the most.
46. Hi Maria, my week is busy but good! So many proud moments! My most recent one was going up a flight of stairs without getting winded. Man that was an eye opener. I also am starting to fit back into clothes I have not worn in a year and getting compliments. I feel good and I'm starting to regain my confidence. I'm also proud of my will power. I've had a couple busy nights where I'm just running on E and I want to fall back into an old habit of stopping for fast food. I've internally reminded myself that it's just not worth it and managed to abstain. I'm proud of myself for that.
47. It means that I have found a lifestyle that I can live with, without cravings, be healthy, feel healthy and no Basaglar! Now to plan on omitting the metformin!
48. I feel great, a lot of the things that bothered me no longer do, like my acid reflux my hienal hernia hasn't bothered me in about a month. The neuropathy in my feet has improved greatly. The bad disc in my back wonderful, my energy level has increased, I just feel fantastic. So I just need to know where I go from here.
49. I feel happy. My BS are going down. They used to be higher when I was on meds. I am following the Virta food list. Happy that I can occasionally have a few blueberries. I wish my weight would drop faster. But maybe slow and steady wins the race. This program is what I needed. I feel like God sent me a ?? I love this community and enjoy reading what other members post. This morning my BS was 125 that’s the lowest it’s ever been in the past years!!??
50. I’m proud of myself. I was just reviewing my newest Virta labs. My total cholesterol is down from 217 to 169 (now in range). My LDL is down from 145 to 87???? My A1c is 4.9….one word is awesome ????
51. I met another personal goal! I was able to fit on the velosacoaster at universal studio’s florida.? That might sound simple, but it’s the simple things that matter
52. Thank you. For someone who nearly did not make it into the program, it feels good. I thank you and your team for the coaching and support. I tried to reduce my dependence on insulin on my own and nearly died. The Last time I was at 5.6 was two years ago on 22 units of insulin. I felt horrible. Thank you, VIRTA!
53. What an exciting morning ... I reached my goal 245.3. I measured twice to get a picture ?? Well... What a wonderful day.... My Dr office called me... Said my labs look good...a little High cholesterol and everything things else looks good. .. I asked what about my A1C... Hold on..????.. She said it's 5.5... WOW. Yesssssss . I am. Crying and excited ??. Jumping for Joy.”
54. Back in July 2022, during my annual physical I was officially diagnosed with Diabetes with A1C of 6.5. I’ve been pre-diabetic since 2015, so I didn’t think much of it since I was just “borderline” diabetic. Then in March 2023, I had visited my doctor to address a Gout flare up that cause me much leg pain. Along with treating my Gout, my doctor took my Metabolic measurements which exposed that my A1C had now jumped to 7.1!? My doctor then doubled my Metformin diabetes medicine to 500mg twice a day instead of once a day. Sometime in May 2023, I was doing my Alight Well Health Incentives program to earn rewards, when I accidentally came across a link to Virta. I found out that Virta was a free company sponsored program to help people treat diabetes, so I decided to give this a try. Thank God I found Virta because after 3 months of monitoring myself and following the program, I was able to drop my A1C all the way down to 6.0 and I’ve lost over 10 lbs and feels so much healthier! I’ve seen what Diabetes has done first-hand to both my parents who are suffering with so many irreversible ailments such as blindness, neuropathy in their hands and feet. Virta gives me real hope to turn my health around and avoid the damage that Diabetes has done to my parents. Thank you Raytheon for offering this life-saving treatment that I wish everyone in this company knew about. It try to spread the word about Virta to all of my co-workers and no one knows about it. There’s one employee who wanted to join Virta but was told he didn’t qualify since he is on Kaiser health plan; that’s a real shame that Raytheon can’t cover every employee no matter what health plan they are on. Every Raytheon employee and their family who has diabetes needs to be able to be given this wonderful opportunity to not just change their life but to save their life before Diabetes takes its toll on them. Virta is a life saver! Please keep supporting and offering this program to all employees because it works!
55. Thank you for assessing my lab results. I've been trying to lower my A1C through diet for years without success. My primary care physician didn't believe in diets and said he would prescribe medication if my A1C got out of control. I thought that I'd give VIRTA a try and am happy I did. I would like to thank the VIRTA team for guiding me on a path to better metabolic health!
56 1. Great Coach. Thank you for always listening and giving me great advice. 2. Losing weight and gaining muscles. Takes a long time but I’m becoming more patient 3. Eating better although at times, i relapse, but I get back on top 4. Better A1C reading. I never cared before but i finally found the art of maintaining it. 5. No medications of any sort. Hard to believe that I can really do this naturally. 6. Better Health and Lifestyle! Before Virta, I was out of control and didn’t care because I had nothing to measure. I couldn’t really get to where I was without knowing where I’m going. Because the tools and coaching Virta provided, I’m able to know tackle my battle with Diabetes.
57 I am most proud of all the weight I have lost and energy I have. It all still doesn't seem real, like I am waiting for me to wake up and still be the same as I was 8 months ago.
58. I have a great coaching staff I really appreciate the support from all of you! Since I have lost weight I feel taller that seems weird to me. I had already purchased some new clothes a few months ago because that was one of my goals to fit in a smaller size and I have achieved it. I can bend and tie my shoes also. This Virta Plan is amazing! I will look into getting a different kind of cough medication so my glucose won't spike. Thank you.
59. The followup is amazing. It keeps me focused on what I need to do and I absolutely love it. At the age of 52 I’ve tried a lot of different things but Virta has been the only thing to work for me
60. I’ve been feeling great, lots of energy, no more afternoon naps, feel full most of the time and only 1-2 sugar cravings that I overcome. Should have done this a long time ago!
61. I forgot to tell you, the other day I saw an acquaintance that I hadn't seen in several months. She stopped me to thank me for telling her about Virta. She started Virta approx 3 months ago, has lost 30 lbs, and her fbg has gone from the 350s to 150!!! So so awesome!!!
62. I just want you to know that I never ever thought I could kick sugar. With this program and my determination I feel at this point I've done it so far.... I kicked SUGAR... Thank you for all your help and support so far.
63. 7 mile hike through a forest with uneven ground yesterday in under 4 hours. Was wondering how it would go converting fat to glucose via ketosis. Was impressed. Noticed electrolytes were off towards the end. Replaced and got a burst of energy. Getting the hang of this type of metabolism and its building confidence to keep going. Today I'm sore but all good. Just reporting another small victory, BTW I was the oldest in the group and kept up well,
64. I've been very pleased with my progress so far. It has been easier than I thought it would be. My knees don't hurt as much and I can get down on the floor without much effort.
65. Hi Coach C, I feel like my life has been saved by this program. I'm so appreciative and proud of the Virta team.
66. I feel more educated about diabetes in the last few months than in the last 15 years.
67. I am currently under the supervision of a group call [another diabetes company] who is managing my diabetes. Personally, not happy with the group. Looking to change that this year and start Virta.
68. Virta stands out by being able to coach/help a patient repair their metabolic health. With all the forces against metabolic health (big food, big pharma, big health) there are plenty of influencers that are happy to keep a person fat and diabetic. Virta is David fighting Goliah.
69. I shared my story with my dental hygienist in March. She said her Mom (2 yrs older than me) was T2 and very desperate to get T2 under control. feel better, lose weight. She said her Mom told her she gave up and want to live. I fully understood! I shared about Virta and she told her Mom. The next day her Mom called Virta and started a few weeks later. I saw my hygienist today and she told me her Mom had lost 53 lbs. & A1C down to 5.2 and she has energy for her grandkids. I burst into tears ??. I’m SO proud of her Mom.
70. The ways I've changed are so so HUGE!!! I plan on the 20th of January which is when I committed to 100 days strict Virta to read my sheets about what I wrote on each day. One a day - as a moment of reflection on how I've grown and how far I've come. I am as confident in my body as I have been in 15 years. My health - this part brings tears to my eyes. I am so happy that I've taken control of my health - and not just laying next to my sick body allowing it to get sicker each day... I have the power of choice everyday - and I don't feel deprived. I was so focused on how bad being Virta/Virta was going to be.. And it just isn't the reality of what it's been like! I've found so many delicious foods to enjoy.. And I eat things that would cause me such guilt before without any of those feelings. And even when I do go off-plan - the guilt doesn't stick with me as shame. It's a moment of enjoying something I wanted. And I don't have to indulge to a point of gluttony.
71. Good afternoon. I’ve been on the Virta Program about 4 months now. I wanted to thank the entire team for all you do to support me. I don’t think I have communicated my appreciation near enough nor frequently enough. Thank you so much for all you do. Sarah will you please pass my thanks on to the entire team. You all praise me for the results. I think you all deserve the praise. My last A1C for my primary care doctor was 5.5. That test was about 3 weeks ago. Since that time you have cut back my metformin and eliminated the glipizide. Not to mention I don’t take any insulin. At one point I was taking 100 units of insulin every day. I’ve lost about 35 pounds which I really like. I feel so proud to have low A1C and have lost weight without ever being hungry it’s absolutely the biggest reward I’ve ever gotten. I think soon I’ll be off of the cholesterol medicine and really hoping to cut down on my blood pressure medicine. On Tuesday I’m going to get the blood test you requested and I think for the first time ever I’ll walk in and not be feeling like I’m getting a mental whipping and feeling hopeless because my A1C is too high AGAIN. So, thank you for helping me and giving me the power to affect and take control of, my health. I haven’t said it enough and I haven’t praised all of you enough. Thank you so much for all you have done to help me and especially for the wonderful results. Thank you so much.
72. Everything has changed for me. Weight is down 70+ lbs, A1C is now 5.1, well within normal range, BP meds cut in half, cholesterol down. Those are the numbers, but they don’t tell the whole story. I am now down 2 or 3 sizes in clothing. I can now comfortably watch a show in a Broadway theater without having to squeeze myself into the seat. I used to force myself to walk the dogs half a block. I now pull them along on multiple walks around the steep hills of our neighborhood. I have finally been able to join an exercise class again & not feel overwhelmed or out of place. I can carry my niece and nephew around & lift them above my head to play with them. I can successfully go out to dinner & navigate my way into a Virta friendly meal with ease & without drawing attention to myself fretting over my choices. Life is pretty good nowadays & Virta played a huge part in helping me get here.
73. Good Morning! Super excited this morning! And at a new low weight! Labs looked okay yesterday. I would’ve liked to have seen a lower A1C, but it’s certainly better than a 6.4 Went and bought a few new sweater shirts for winter this year. Had to put the Under Armour 3XL shirts back cause they were HUGE! 2XL it is for a bit. Next stop, XL ??
74. Good morning, I had a cardiologist appointment yesterday and he was amazed on how much weight I have lost Since my last appointment in February. I was 287 pounds in February 270 when I start a Virta. i'm actually down almost 50 pounds, but my blood pressure was a little high at the appointment. So I am going to be taking my blood pressure twice a day for the next week for my log and send it to him next Tuesday. I'm feeling really good about this program and myself. Have a great day
75. I have just completed my first month on Virta and I’m no longer on insulin. I’m so glad to be off the insulin and this would not have happened with out my Coach and the staff at Virta. I want to tell the Virta staff thank you. I still have a long way to go. I have learn things about my eating habits by identifying my weaknesses working through them and by writing in a journal. I thank God for this help!
76. I spent some money on a new wardrobe. I found the courage to seek a new job which is a big promotion to a director position. I also got hearing aids 2 weeks ago because I just don't want to miss anything in my life. I feel so good and just wants to keep bettering his life now. My life has been completely changed by being healthy and learning the skills to know that i can maintain this life. I'm so grateful I found Virta and hope my new employer offers it.
77. Now that I’m off insulin, I’m thinking the weight should follow suit I will log my food and water intake for this week. Hoping for great results. Cannot express the level of gratitude to you and the team for the progress made to date on medications!! PC doctors need to get updated on treatment options. If I were to take his advice, I would have been on insulin the rest of my life. Humbled and so thankful to know that is not my direction anymore!!!
78. Thanks and I am very pleased with the results so far. I actually had my yearly check up with my cardiologist earlier this week and he is also very happy with the weight loss. Next month I have my 6 month follow up with my pcp and I can't wait to hear what she had to say. I have bloodwork at that time so again I will be very interested to see those results as well. I am very pleased though especially considering the fact that I was thinking about bariatric surgery earlier this year...much happier losing weight the healthy way!!
79. I have some VERY exciting news. My A1C was a 5.4! My doctor took type 2 diabetes OFF MY CHART. In 35 years, he says he can count on one hand the number of patients who have reversed their diabetes.
80. Great first week. Definitely seeing daily glucose under 200 and eye sight has changed. Not wearing glasses right now and I’m able to see clearly
81. Dana I have more energy all day long that is not diminished at 3 or 4 pm, I cut my grass at 7pm last night. I sleep better and am more rested, my attitude is greatly improved, I no longer think of dying in the next few years but rather what I am going to do after I retire at 70, my clothes and belts are all to big, people around me notice my progress and tell me I am looking great ! All these factors motivate me to continue on my Virta plan while I enjoy my family and am super motivated at my Job.
82. I have to tell you guys that I recommend Virta to everyone I know, it's such a great program. I just got a thank you from a friend's wife. She is so grateful I recommended Virta to her husband, he has already lost over 20 lbs and is feeling so much better. You guys are awesome!
83. Endocrinologist was very happy at my appointment. She adjusted my testosterone to a higher dose, and also recommended an iron supplement for anemia. She did say "We don't need to talk about your diabetes anymore. Virta seems to be doing a better job than I ever have. We will just focus on your Hypopituitary from now on" So that's good. I don't have to see the endo for 6 months now, when i previously was seeing her every 3 months. I told her to fax the labs to you.
84. I can’t tell you how huge this has been for me after over twenty years of increasing medications and weight to turn that around in such a short time frame. I also noticed I am not sleeping as much, probably because my sugars are better I am not sugar tired ??
85. Loosing weight is a bonus. I started this to get off my insulin and loose weight. I feel so much better than when I started this. I went Monday to get my lab work done at the doctor's office for 6 months. I'm waiting on the numbers to see how much my A1C has improved. My grandchildren come to stay with me for the month of August. I feel better than I have in a long time. I feel like I am able to do so much more. You would not believe the difference 30 pounds make. I used to hate to bend over or even tie my shoes. I have no issues now doing that or going up a flight of steps or doing 2 miles on the treadmill. My next goal is to spend time doing with my grandchildren and still feel good and not a tired grumpy Grandma
86. Well! Ok! There is no way, in text, to share how I feel or what my reaction to reading that, was. It involved tissues and my husband coming in to hug me. [Patient got off of all diabetes medications]
87. My journey with Virta began 14 months ago. I was at work and I kept seeing the emails from Virta regarding the reversal of Type 2 Diabetes.? One of the emails featured a testimonial from a Virta participant and I was so impressed with his story and his success.? I reached out to Virta and started the program within a month.? My initial reason for starting the program was to just get off the medicine that I had been taking since 2011 when I was first diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I'll be honest, it was so hard in the beginning.? I kept the course and within 3 months my A1C was down quite a bit, I lost 14 % of my body weight within 8 months, and now I no longer take any diabetes medications!! Virta is an excellent plan and I'm so happy I decided to start my journey with Virta.? I would definitely recommend this program to anyone who wants to see success with your Type 2 Diabetes reversal.
88. Been doing good. I thought I might fall off with all the stress at work. I know that I tend to grab anything to save time. But. I've stuck to the plan. I did try something last night that they said was made with Splenda but they were wrong. I found out after I ate it that had sugar and spiked my blood sugar. If that had been me a year ago, I would have thought no sense sticking to it. I just going to keep spiking from all the foods out there. I know now that sometime things happen, just figure out what caused it and keep going. It is a great trip. My weight is down over 70 lbs. My blood sugars are about half of what I started with. Blood pressure much improved and my knee has not hurt like it. I've not had a shot in it in over a year now. It's been great. I've found ways to eat out better.
89. I remember having to worry about how to pay for Trulicity because it was more expensive each time I picked it up. I also remember not having much energy and was worried I wasn’t going to have enough energy to do too much activity and that was not like me I enjoy being active. Now my energy is higher and I don’t need to try to budget Trucility anymore, so those things are no longer a worry. I feel free of those issues. ??
90. Just wanted to send you a short thank you for your help and support. I had my annual physical today and it was pretty awesome to see my latest results. A1c is now 5.6 and I’ve lost almost 50 lbs. All of my numbers are good and cholesterol is very low. No more pills! Combining Virta with exercise has made all the difference. I’ll upload my latest labs as soon as I get them downloaded. You’re an awesome coach ??. Thanks again. Tony
91. We are amazed that following the program has brought us so quickly to this point. Awesome!! Thank you, thank you so much for coaching me and doctoring us to this point. My wife is crying now
92. Now, rather than worrying about all the health issues I may face, amputation etc… I am concentrating on the next race that I am going to win ! Virta helped me get my life back ! That is my thought for the day
93. I just came from the eye doctor. My prescription changed because my eyesight has actually gotten better in the year since last time. I didn't think it was even possible for that to happen! I will always need glasses but it's amazing to see other health benefits coming from Virta. The eye doctor was very impressed.
94. I feel great about everything! I just wish I’d done this 20 years ago. I’m having very few problems with maintaining this lifestyle. I have been adding a few carbs lately to see what happens to my bio markers. It really shows very clearly when I do that. My conclusion is that I really just can’t get away with it now, and maybe for ever. I can live with that. I need another 10 lbs to get to my original target weight! Virta has been the best thing in my life right now! Thank you!
95. Honestly, the challenges have been minimal if not nonexistent. My weight is down nearly 10%, blood sugar averages around 100 mg/dl, insulin is down 80%, BP is down to normal levels, been in Virtasis since day three. I'm pretty much never hungry. Quite the opposite, I almost need to force my final meal down in the pm. I couldn't be more pleased with the results so far and I'm looking forward to how much better my health can be. I can't thank my coaches and providers enough for their knowledge, guidance, and support! ????????????????????
96. So today is our health benefits presentation- which is beginning of open enrollment. Talking to the rep she asked if I would do an interview for Virta- I’m like- You bet- it’s been a game changer for me. More info when I know more!
97. Can we schedule a quick call to go over where we are. Also the our City just put out a notice on soliciting additional participation in the program. If it would be helpful for potential candidates to talk to someone in the program, I’m more than willing as this program has turned my life around.
98. Here are my results from my A1C that were good news I brought it from a 10.1 to a 7.5 and my sugar was 131 when I want to go get my sugar in the morning done I'm so happy for me I'm doing so good A doctor said to keep up the good work. At the doctor's I even cried so I was so happy She said my high blood pressure was in excellent condition Next time I go to the doctor she said they're gonna look at taking my medication away"
99. It feels Great to have gained this much ground already ! I was leary at first but I had to do something as my weight and insulin dosage where continually rising ! I imagined myself at 350 lbs with an amputated leg or foot, unable to work or be productive and I am not willing to put my wife, children and family thru that. Now, with Virta, just the opposite of all that is true and I tell everyone that diabetes doctors and insulin are killers and that Virta saves and restores lives and that is how I truly feel ! I know that my Wife, Family, Employer and all my friends and Jesus are on my side and proud of my progress! The best part is, I am just getting started !!!
100. Everything is going well. My boss noticed a pep in my step. I have so much more energy. My dog and I are taking longer walks, which, he looks at me like I'm torturing him. ?? I feel that this has been one of my best decisions this year!
101. You know it feels so good not having to take the insulin any more, I am so Grateful for you guys for helping me out. Thanks so very much.
102. Hi I saw my cardiologist today. He took me off Potassium Chloride ER 10 meg, Furosemide 20mg and reduced the Lisinopril to 20 mg. He told me take my BP every evening and is less than 110 to not take the Lisinopril at all. Losing more meds is so exciting, I am so happy right now. I also saw my regular physician and explained the Virta program to her and she is very happy for me and told me to keep up the good work. I just want to thank everyone there for all the support and help. I feel like you are saving my life!
103. Yesterday, I had a follow-up appt. at my health system. I originally started my diabetes reversal there and had success in the beginning. The NP I have worked with hadn't seen me in person since 2019. And during 2020-2021 it was only virtual. She is the one who helped sway things last summer when I said I was looking at Virta. She said the way they're set up didn't provide the support and accountability I was needing. She suggested I make the long drive and have another body composition done to compare to the very beginning. I have lost 93lbs. and my body water balance was in range so I hadn't lost muscle. My waist went from 45 inches down to 34. And to think I had lost 12 lbs before I even started there. It turned out to be an awesome appt. and she was beyond proud of me. I can honestly say it was the first time I was truly ok with someone noticing the difference in me. Probably because she saw me at the beginning when I wasn't in a good place physically, mentally or emotionally. She really wanted to celebrate the success I've had and said to definitely continue with Virta. I even agreed to multiple hugs.
104. Just back from my Dr. appointment. He was amazed. Yelled out you have lost 1/2 of you! He was so excited for me. I left him grinning and telling me I should be a permanent ambassador for Virta. That’s my goal, if not my title.
105. Weekend went well. Looking forward to getting under 410 by week’s end. I’m now in the “lightest in over a decade” territory. So that’s good. Wife want me to get new clothes, but I’m waiting for getting under 400 before going that route.
106. Went and had my labs done yesterday. A1c….5.1! Woohoo!!! This program is awesome. Thank you all for your help. I couldn’t have done this without all of you in my corner.
107. Hi?? At my doctors appointment and got nothing but praise and good news?????? My A1C has gone DOWN to 6.7??????????????????????????????
108. So for my diabetic meds to be refilled I had to do a blood draw today and I'll see my VA doctor on Friday. I have not seen him or spoke to him since my last blood draw a week after my Virta blood draw. He's gonna crap! ----- Holy A1C measured at a 6.1!!!
109. Hi there, thank you so much for responding! I was able to get through with an email. Virta has changed my life in so many ways. I have family members that work for CWT who changed to Virta. They saw my weight lost and needed to know. They did it and I saw their weight lost. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you!
110. Virta has changed my mental, physical and emotional state of well being for the positive. Although sometimes it's not easy to stick to Virta way of life, I make better choices through all the Virta education I've received for the past 2 years. Virta has also changed companies and their culture to help provide the hundreds of patients who need support through diet. What a miracle.
111. Weight loss is so much fun! It's brought new meaning to life and the activity level I have is finally coming back, meaning I can keep up with my kids and be less embarrassed about my appearance when out and about. I'm proud that I was able to do it without anything other than diet and that it keeps getting easier to eat well. My family is starting to make more conscious food decisions, and that makes me so happy to think that my change could motivate them to take small steps to be healthy in their own lives.
112. Girl. I have almost made it to under 200lbs. I did not think it was possible for me to lose weight anymore. I almost cried.
113. Saw my primary Dr today she immediately notice my weight loss I told her about the program and told her i was off the Tresiba she smiled so big. I explained that I have to test my blood sugar everyday and record them. I left her with the info for the program and she wants to look into it more and share it with her other patients. She was really impressed with the results and I told her if any of her patients have any questions they can also have my number and I can possibly help them well show my support. Maybe a mentor to help them start and be there if they feel they are slipping. Maybe I can start a support group here in our area. It amazes me the number of her patients are pre or type 2 there are to many maybe not can be helped completely depending on their circumstances UT alot can be . I can help them and together we can lower the numbers. Oh feeling 99% better . coming up with some recipes of my own just tring to figure out how to figure out measurements etc.
114. Awesome!! In all honesty.. what has truly helped me as well is your fabulous/ compassionate coaching!! If I were doing this all by myself I would have given up months ago only to go back to where I was and to see the scale increase beyond that! The information Virta provides and again your encouraging coaching has made a huge difference! I was reflecting back 6mths when I was desperate and looked into Lydia Knight's program for 8wks only.. andddd the HUGE "greedy" cost of $10k- I would have wasted $10,000!! Butttt I knew back then I would have never (in a million years) signed up for that program for that cost!! Before I knew the cost I had a budget in mind (which was an exception of $1k I would have considered)- I definitely appreciate where I am now!! Thank you, Virta and, of course, United Airlines ??
115. Thank you. I do feel like a million bucks. I am mentoring some coworkers who have just started Virta after seeing what it has done for me. My wife has lost 59lbs and my daughter has lost 20. You all have saved our lives/ family.
116. Please pass this along to my entire care team. I just finished a 27 mile + bike ride!! Without the help of my care team and all I have learned via Virta, I would have never been able to achieve a bike ride of that magnitude! Thanks to all of you!
117. The past month I have been working on my son and family’s new house to get it ready for them to move in. I finished yesterday and thought about the past month of long hours after work and 5 weekends of 12 hours and realized that if I had not changed my lifestyle to Virta I would not had been able to do any of that work. Also in one of the empty room, my 2 year old granddaughter and I danced and played and laughed for about an hour. That’s what I want to celebrate!
118. My life now compared to January is a complete turn-around. I was caring for my parents and working a very demanding job. My Dad died 1/21/22 and my Mother died 2/22/22. I was under so much stress trying to juggle everything. My health was put on the back burner. I retired in April and just tried to focus on getting well. I feel so much better. I am still sad about my parents but I know I did everything I could. I knew something had to change for me or I would be next. I am very grateful to Virta and very hopeful for the rest of this year. I feel like a load has been lifted from my shoulders. I just follow the plan and I know I am getting healthy.
119. Thank you ! I had to look at it a few times. It is the first time in 20 years that it [a1c] has been below 7.
120. Y'all are angels sent and I'm so thankful the BCBS nurse recommended y'all highly and I must go back and send her a hug, it's just that important... and to think all the time I wasted looking for help. I'm so full of joy and thankfulness It's like going from flatlining to living with hope again!!
121. This morning, my weight loss is 3 pounds, it has only been 6 days, but it makes me feel like crying. I didn’t realize how hopeless I felt about ever losing this weight. Now I have hope. Thank you Virta!
122. 1yr! ?? It’s amazing what I have learned in 1 year through Virta. I will never be able to thank everyone at Virta enough, from the drs, researchers, marketing, IT, admin, etc and especially you for always spurring my thoughts and being positive. I have learned so much that it’s truly hard to say everything. However, think I first learning & truly understand how our body works was super important. The simple videos about how the body runs on carbs and how it can switch to fats sticks with me today. There are other videos too that explains that insulin resistance is not my fault and that things can change. These were all things that were huge in my life. I thought I caused it and I was doomed to be on insulin soon. Drs had explained it this way for years. Letting go of the guilt that I was just not strong enough to get healthy has changed my life in many ways. I proved much to myself with the help of Virta ??
123. Hi Ally. Thanks for checking in. I saw my primary care doc yesterday. My A1C down to 6.1 - woo-hoo! My doc was shocked (in a good way). My plan was to try for next 3 months until I see him again in hopes my A1C will continue to drop then hopefully get off Januvia or as you suggest drop to 25mg. Virta ROCKS! Feeling super positive about my results so far :-)
124. People have been complimenting me on my weight loss so far, and I've been feeling so much better. I'm looking forward to my visit to my diabetes PA-C in October to blow her mind. Next month I've got a blood draw scheduled. I'm looking forward to the results and seeing where all my results are sitting. I am still amazed at how well the last 90 days have gone. My coaching team has surpassed all my hopes in helping me meet my goals. You guys ROCK!
125. My biggest hopes for Virta were to get out of the obese range and get off diabetic medication. Less than a year later I am in the process of joining an amateur cycling race team, running to help prep my son for high school cross country, and doing it all while maintaining acceptable training stress levels for my heart. Can’t really compare the original hopes vs the almost one year outcome. I am living a completely different life, a healthier life. It feels better, I’m off medications, and everything in life is easier to do.
126. I got a message asking what I was thankful for I have lost close to 60 lbs I don’t get winded like I was going up stairs at work. Plus I have had my Medformin for my blood sugar cut from 2 tablets a day to a half and my A1C went from 8.2 to a 5.9 as of Thursday so with just a little more weight loss I should be able to get rid of all the medicine.
127. It has been easy to lose weight with virta. When I tried to lose weight in the past it was a never ending battle. With virta it has been no struggle at all. Keeping engaged daily with taking bio markers helps. It reminds me why I am doing it. To stay healthy.
128. So… small, unexpected win from this journey. I have a rolling stool with a saddle seat in my office that fits perfectly under my test bench. The guys love it and regularly joke about taking it. Love the seat, but the stool was always a little uncomfortable for me to use because my feet didn’t fully land on the floor. I just thought I was too short for it. Welp, 30 lbs later my feet sit flat on the floor and I can use it at my desk now. ??
129. I used to spend 2 hours a day at the gym and eat so very little trying to lose weight and it never worked for me. Now I feel satisfied with what I'm eating and I'm doing half the work I did before and the weight is falling off for the first time. The swelling in my hands, feet, and ankles has reduced significantly that my rings are loose on my fingers. I can tell my blood sugar is much more balanced than before where I would feel b****y (hangry) if my glucose levels were too low and I would turn to carbs.
130. I also wanted to mention that as I was putting back on the weight and not eating [Virta] friendly my knees and my and my entire body were in so much pain and I was flaring not just from the stress but from all the bad carbs I was eating, I immediately within a couple of days of just strictly sticking to the plan my body started to feel better the inflammation went down my knees started to feel better and now that I've dropped 15 lbs my body feels like I weigh 130 lbs I know I'm still over 200 but that's how light and pain-free my body feels. Of course I'll never be pain free with lupus and fibro but compared to the way my body feels when I eat sugar and carbs..... It's totally night and day. I love Virta Health ?? I love having you as my coach ??
131. Thanks so much - I am excited to share with my primary- they wanted me to start metformin but I refused - she told me most people do not reverse the numbers without medication - Virta has been a blessing
132. Hi Dr.! Thank you SO much for this positive feedback and for attaching such a great resource. I really love the VIRTA program…it truly has changed my life! I can’t tell you how much your support and guidance has meant to me…again, thank you. With that being said, I am happy to share with you some great news: my PCP has cut my Metroprolol dosage in half! I am so happy about achieving this milestone.
133. I look forward to feeling better. I let my endocrinologist know this morning at my visit and she actually has several patients on this same program and love it. I hope I do too.
134. Oh my goodness. This has been such an exciting experience for myself. I get stronger in my journey every day. Reaching this milestone gives me excitement and makes me feel extremely good about myself. Cannot wait until I am free of medication. Next month on the 2nd I have to go in for a colonoscopy and I feel better getting that procedure done after this weight loss. I can breathe better and I have not used my enhancer for almost the entire three months. I feel empowered........ I know I have a long way to go. However this time I feel confident I can do it. Which is something I have never felt before. Thank you for your support these past months.
135. Today marks 60.5 pounds lost for me (I started keeping a record before Virta did). That’s a lot. Just 21.5 left to 165 target. Honestly I think the simplicity in eating is the biggest benefit. I don’t have food dominating my thoughts. Even though the program requires some planning and prep, meals are simpler. This morning I am having coffee with heavy cream, sausage with green, red, and yellow peppers with some cheddar cheese and a tiny slice of cream cheese. I had to make sure the stuff was here, but it cooked quickly with easy clean up. I have separated my meal plans from the family which can be hard at times, but I can eat with them, just not with all sides they seem to have to have. It is simpler for me. Other than that, I have an ab. Not abs yet, just one ab. lol I haven’t had an ab since I don’t know when. Oh. And I ride my horse more which is good for both of us.
136. Last night my husband asked me “ why did you wait till you were 70 years old to get skinny?” My answer “ I didn’t wait, I’ve been trying to lose weight for years, but I didn’t know the right way”. And I know what I’m writing you belongs in my journal, but I had to tell you, I’m gonna be one of your success stories??
137. Awesome. I am so excited i am down 17 lbs from my original weight . a size smaller in shirt. Two notches up in belt. Plus i feel great
138. I have been hospitalized with COVID since Christmas Day. As soon as i was able I reached out to my Virta team. They, and a coach with whom I'm not familiar, have been a marvelous support system throughout this entire ordeal. They have kept in very close contact and offered to each out to my caregivers if I needed them to help with the nutritional aspects of being hospitalized. My team, and the other coach, went way beyond any expectation I've had for any caregiver. I want you to know how proud you can be of these fine folks and their caring and giving attitudes. Thank you.
139. I’m very happy with my Virta program and my progress. I haven’t felt this good in years. ??
140. OMG!! My blood draw looks awesome. A1C 5.2 WHAT?!?!? Hard work pays off!!
141. I weigh less than I did when I was in high school, something I didn't think I would ever accomplish. More importantly my diabetes is in better control then it had ever been. I have nothing but good things to say about the Virta system.
142. I will even share a pic of my mom and me a couple years before Virta. I think I was in denial at how heavy I was. I found a pic from 5 years ago and I probably was close to my current weight, but my face was so puffy from carbs. I love how I look and feel without so many carbs and the right carbs. I can't imagine life without Virta now! It's helped me in so many ways.
143. I'm quite excited about the fact that I'm no longer in the obesity range and it looks like I'll be able to let go of my CPAP machine. Apnea doesn't seem to be an issue anymore (at least my wife is no longer complaining when I sleep without the CPAP. :-) Was skeptical about this program in the beginning, but I am happy now. I actually recommended it to two colleagues of mine.
144. Have not been neglecting the program deliberately Kinda been back and forth to hospital several false alarms but he was finally ready last night we drove up and at 2:15 today he is here .. I am one hundred pounds less than at Christmas and This was my motivation
145. got to do some clothes shopping this weekend. My clothes are falling off of me. Apparently, I have gone from a 5X-Tall shirt to a 2X-Tall. My pants have dropped from 56" in the waist to 48". I'm still not really believing it.
146. My success has caused some positive changes in the way my wife eats and she has lost a few pounds in my journey, my neighbors are commenting about it as I take a daily stroll and I’ve had one neighbor start tracking his through a Virta app. The friend of mine that is tech ignored and needed someone to call him to walk through getting started on Virta is down about 35lbs already and is seeing his blood glucose levels drop significantly… hopefully his A1C follows. Thanks for checking in on me and happy Friday
147. Virta and my coaches are real blessings to me. I had my fitness coach tell me early on this was not going to work and She was so close minded and would not even hear about it. I haven’t seen her and hope I don’t for 6 more mos. Thanks for your kind words and inspiration.
148. I received a call from one of our Federal members. The federal member wanted to provide a positive feedback and great testimonial regarding your program. Member stated that her last conversation with one of your representatives was a fantastic phone call and she felt to supported. Member really appreciates that this program is available to her. For a long time, member felt alone with her diabetes journey, but now she feels like she has a personal medical coach. She also likes how the representative (@Mari Pat) was able to give background information about the program and explain the science on how people can reverse diabetes.
149. It is so nice to reach my toenails!!!
150. was thinking I was a failure. But I feel better now. I'm not being as hard on myself. I came on to this call today feeling like I had failed, but now I think that I can do this. It's ok. You just fall, and you get back up, and you keep going, that's all there is to it. I hope to that in the next year or so I can make a testimonial and be the face of Virta!
...So does Virta work to reverse Type 2 diabetes and to help lose weight? You decide.
(Full set of our peer-reviewed patient outcomes available here)
President at Datuit
11 个月Deb Wickham
I use research and data to make evidence-based decisions, Behavioral Scientist, Product & Strategy
1 年This is amazing! Sami Inkinen it's so great and reassuring to know you guys are out there doing what you are doing! Diet and exercise is so important and currently there is so little effort to change these behaviors to prevent/manage and potentially treat many chronic diseases.
Senior ProgramManager and Director | Shaping Vision into Strategic Reality, Guiding Change Through Effective Leadership, Championing Organizational Health and Success
1 年I'm looking forward to adding my personal success story to this list, as well.
CMO, Growth Advisor
1 年Incredible stories, Sami
Engineering Manager (Civils Design)
1 年Hi Sami. See my reply post in response to Discovery CEO Riaan van Reenen discussion on LinkedIn. Will be glad to share more of my thoughts on the subject with you, especially removing constraints to achieve One Million Reversals ?? Best regards,? Santosh Prem Pr.Eng