Does the unknown scare you?

Does the unknown scare you?

Recently I had a Discovery Call with a potential client. She was successful, had significant experience in her career, but lately has been feeling as if she was not living the life that was meant to be hers. 

During the discovery session, she shared that she knew that she should be doing more; that she should be doing something different because even though her job was in her area of formal educational training, she felt a greater calling, a nudging, an uneasy feeling that just would not go away. 

Even though that feeling or nudging was so strong, she expressed how much fear she was experiencing because of the “unknown”. She was afraid of leaving her stable job of over two decades, her consistent salary, and her perks. I asked her how long she would be willing to live with that “uncomfortable” feeling and the answer for her is the same for many women, “I do not know” but I know it needs to happen. 

Are you afraid of the unknown? And, is that fear paralyzing you so much that it is preventing you from making? I would be happy to meet with you for a FREE 30-minute complimentary session to better understand how I can best support in developing the courage to step into the unknown. 

 Kindly click the link below to schedule a time that we can meet.


