Does The Truth Scare You?

Does The Truth Scare You?

Have you been changed by someone's story?

What makes you think sharing your own story wouldn't do the same for someone else?

It can be scary to share the dark or yucky moments of your life - but it can transform someone else's.

We are told "you should keep that to yourself," so we don't expose vulnerability in telling our story - our own vulnerability or someone else's.

But, setbacks connect us...

Imperfections connect us...

Pain connects us.

Yet, we are scared to tell the truth about our professional life when it comes to the vulnerable truth.

Hiding behind a facade of perfectionism through skewed truth isn't a new problem, but social media has increased our desire to do so.

No one wants to be caught in bad light, in an imperfect moment, saying the wrong thing.

But the facade of perfection is a muzzle...

It muzzles creativity...

It muzzles humanity...

It muzzles the truth.

Skewing the truth to appear more perfect in the eyes of your audience may feel less scary, but it's a disservice to your brand.

Your buyers don't want perfection.

They want to know the human behind your brand.

Your story matters...

Your journey matters...

Your truth matters.

It is what brought you to where you are today and informs where you are going tomorrow.

The imperfection you share in your personal brand - by telling the truth of your journey - could hit someone at the right moment and change their life.

I have had people write me, telling me over the years that this article saved their life (written while building my dental coaching brand):

The Dark State of Dentistry

That article was risky.

It was revealing - of myself and my industry.

I was sweating as I hit the post button.

Yet, it changed the course of my speaking career and my personal brand.

It created opportunities that wouldn't have happened if I had hid behind the facade of perfection, following the advice of "you should keep that to yourself."

Being vulnerable for vulnerabilities' sake is awkward - don't do it.

Make your sharing of vulnerable content purpose-driven, relating to the professional path you are on.

How comfortable are you sharing the truth of your story?

If you are ready to live into the truth of yourself in your personal brand, join The Unleashing Influence Community :

#personalbranding #truth #vulnerability


