Does Strategy Matter for Business Success?
Andesna Nanda
Dr. Andesna Nanda, S.Pi.,MBA | Ph.D. in Economics and Business Management | Indonesia Head of Corporate Strategic Planning | Lecturer | Member of Harvard Business Review Advisory Council
Why We Need A Good Strategy
Before we go to answer this question maybe we need to answer the fundamental question of why businesses need a strategy
The answer is about how we can leverage and enlarge the right opportunities to drive sustainable growth as well as the long-term bottom line.
In the mid-1990s, a survey by Arthur Andersen found that companies with a proper strategic plan had 63% higher revenue growth and 100% more profit than those companies without a plan.
The current study explained that three-quarters of the businesses surveyed believe that a written strategic plan causes their business to perform at a higher level.
Hence, by developing a good strategy then we have a better chance of delivering our existing and future revenue, productivity, and shareholder's prosperity.
Nowadays the business environment is full of technological, social, and even political influences which are increasing the downfall likelihood for business.
Nonetheless, successful business performance needs to adapt to the pace of change to stay in the game.
This is the point and also the WHY we need a proper business strategy to explore business opportunities outside of our usual business standards.
How to Bring the Strategy to Reality
When we talk about a good strategy, the common output is a business plan. The strategic business plan will call out all the strategic initiatives to be connected to all C-level's vision.
A business plan will outline how we execute all these initiatives and how expected results that we want to achieve.
In the other words, this business plan will serve as a basis for the organization when it pursues the desired business outcomes.
The business plan will take the way to clarify the feasibility of Vision and enhance alignment within the entire organization.
A business plan also provides a measurable checkpoint for decision-making and serves as a basis for each function.
During my career as a strategic planner, I saw if we can produce a good business plan the chance to focus and proactively create strategic measurable parameters will increase eventually.
The proper process when we set up the business plan also serves as the most valuable effort and will become a good asset culture in the future.
What are the strategic elements that should include in the business plan?
Once we finish all of these, please create an executive summary, then secure the approval, and communicate the plan to the entire organization.
Ready to start planning?
Porter, M. E., & Locations, C. (2000). Company strategy.?The Oxford handbook of economic geography, 253-274.
Grant, R. M. (2021).?Contemporary strategy analysis. John Wiley & Sons.
Phillips, P., & Moutinho, L. (2018). Strategy. In?Contemporary Issues in Strategic Management?(pp. 25-45). Routledge.
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2 年Great post pak Andesna Nanda ...very useful.
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2 年Sangat suka tulisan2nya mas Andesna. Apalagi sama2 Strategy Enthusiasts. Ijin numpang lapak sharing pengalaman dan juga pendapat saya berdasarkan pengalaman bekerja beberapa tahun di Corporate Planning di sebuah bank 15 tahun lalu (yang kebetulan bank tsb 1 group bisnis sama perusahaannya mas Andesna sekarang ??) Ketika itu ada perubahan dlm proses perencanaan strategis yg sebelumnya fully Top-Down, menjadi kombinasi Top-Down dan Bottom-Up. Challenge-nya adalah bagaimana menerjemahkan Vision, Mission, Goals dan Strategy dari lapisan atas sampai ke bawah utk operational dan taktikal. Kemudian dari lapisan bawah bisa menyelaraskan (align) Strategy tersebut dlm Action Plan. Selama proses itu setiap lapisan memberikan feedback terkait Strategic Fitness dengan Resources dan Competencies yang dimiliki oleh setiap Unit, Departemen, dan Divisi. Hal yg sama juga dilakukan terhadap anak usaha. Tantangannya adalah: mindset. Banyak yang berpikiran bahwa strategi itu lebih kepada aspek keunggulan operasional, seperti efisiensi dan juga kepada aspek teknologi dan sistem, supaya bisnis sukses dan lancar. Padahal bukan sebatas itu saja. Aspek lain seperti target market, positioning harus difokuskan. Inilah yg digenjot spy mindsetnya tepat