Does this sound like you or someone you know?

Does this sound like you or someone you know?

You are not able to scale and grow your business because you don't have enough or you don't have the right leaders working for you. As a result you are working 50+ hours a week, you no longer have time for yourself, your friends or your family and the overall productivity and efficiency of your business is decreasing and ultimately hurting your bottom line. This is a problem facing many companies in todays market and is critical in order to sustain success and freedom. Im going to walk you through the first step in correcting this for your company and it’s the step lots of executives are skipping over. When you and your team are overworked, stressed out and the results of your business are either stagnant or declining it can be easy to jump straight to “I don't have enough.” I don't have enough leaders to get all the work done but before you start your search for the most qualified candidates out there first assess if you have the right leaders in the right roles doing the right work right now. This is extremely important because as a company grows it can be normal to shuffle peoples roles and add on additional responsibilities that may have not been part of their original job description or the reason you hired them in the first place and as business speeds up those details can get lost in the shuffle leaving great leaders confused, unsupported and producing mediocre work. The other issue you can run into is that if you go out and find an amazing leader for your company and onboard them when the real issue was still making an impact you run the risk of even more turnover and disengagement from your teams and your new hire. Now there will be a time when you do need more top performing leaders and we will get to that in a later conversation but for now lets focus on this first step. So lets look at how we can assess if this has happened or may be an issue for you. Take 30 minutes and compete the following exercise. Even if you don't find this being the major source of bottleneck for your company you're walking away with a great tool you can use in the future or with your teams. 

First, commit to a minimum of 30 minutes of uninterrupted time for this process, I mean no distractions and no multi-tasking. 

Second either use your notebook, print this out or use a preferred software like workflowy to answer the following questions.

  1. When was the last time I assessed the role descriptions of my team and their direct reports?
  2. When was the last time I revisited my expectations of my teams work performance and results?
  3. Who on my team does not have a clearly defined role or job description?
  4. How many members of my team have made a role transition or assumed additional responsibilities in the last six months?
  5. How does my team work together? Do they collaborate on projects? What about their communication together is effective? Ineffective? How well do they make decisions together?
  6. What are my teams strengths (individual members)? What are their weaknesses? How does this align with the work they’re doing?
  7. What training was delivered to my team specific to their role in the last six months?
  8. What obstacles are in my teams way to hitting their goals for the business?
  9. When is the last time I had a development conversation with everyone on my team about their performance and experience with the company?

This questionnaire is just the beginning and if you were unable to answer all of these questions on your own let that be an indicator of whats not working in your business. I encourage you to use this with your direct reports and have them do the same with their teams and take it down two to three levels. You will gain critical insight into whats working and whats not and what needs to happen next. If you would like to discuss further schedule a capability debriefing with me using the link below link


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