Does selling your business feel more like funding the IRS? DON’T SETTLE!

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You’ve put blood, sweat, and tears into running and growing your business. You are finally ready to sell. You have agreed on a good price with a buyer. You go through all the contracts and paperwork to take the sale to the finish line…

You finally recognize the proceeds from the sale! Woohoo! Hallelujah! Time to celebrate! That is until your accountant tells you that you now owe half of that to the government…

Does this scenario seem right to you? It shouldn’t and you shouldn’t have to settle for that if you’re working with a competent, attentive and proactive Tax Strategist. One who doesn’t simply prepare your taxes and give you a tax bill each year.

There is, what I call a “toolbox” of strategies for business owners and their specific situations, including this one. The tax code is 73,954 pages long! However, 20% of tax strategies make up 80% of the potential savings. Focus on the heavy hitters.

There is tremendous value in investing in American businesses. While tax money is essential to keep our government running, that’s no reason to overpay in taxes. If I can help business owners save money and re-invest in their business, the economy or their community; then I have done my job and the American economy will be better off.

I can run you through our proprietary model to save you the most in tax. Shoot me a DM and let me know your availability to chat or schedule directly on my calendar here.

Thank you,



