Does Procrastination Really Exist Or It’s A Myth?

Does Procrastination Really Exist Or It’s A Myth?

John worked with a small tech company and was very happy with his job. However, one day, John was given a project that was due at the end of the week. He was excited to get started on the project, but as the week went on, he found himself procrastinating things on his own end. At first, John was able to justify it. He was just taking a few extra breaks throughout the day and checking his emails more often than usual. But as the week went on, he started to take longer breaks and found himself spending more and more time on social media. By the end of the week, John had wasted a lot of time and the project was still nowhere near finished. He was frustrated with himself and felt like he let his team down, but he was determined to finish the project. John stayed late at the office and worked hard over the weekend to finish the project. Although he managed to deliver the work on time, he was exhausted, fatigued and tired.

Was John purposely procrastinating on his project? Maybe, maybe not. He was of course serious about delivering the work but there was something that made him reluctant. That something was his own energy. When we are unable to manage our own energy, we end up delaying things that matter.

In reality, there is no such thing called procrastination. What’s actually underneath that delay is the absence of drive, zeal and energy to do that work, fear of doing it wrong, and not knowing what you want in life. All of this creates reluctance and resistance in our mind which in turn triggers us to postpone things.

The good news is that if you have an attitude to doing things like John, it can be handled and managed. The bad news is it can be done only in the short run. In the long run, such an attitude turned habit is detrimental to our being. So, what is the way out?

1.?Know the “why” of doing anything: Ask yourself WHY are you doing what you are doing. Many times, we encounter energy drain in our work or delay things because the WHY of our life is not clear. The WHY is very important. The WHY gives you the energy to carry on and keep striving unless you accomplish a significant milestone. If this is sorted, and it makes sense, chances are high that you will do everything effortlessly.

2.?Manage your energy field: To accomplish any task in this world, it is important to have the drive, zeal and enthusiasm related to it. Given the mundane and humdrum affairs of our lives, we quickly lose the energy of doing things. To combat that it is important to practice meditation, breathwork, grounding, exercise, and creative visualization on a daily basis. All of this will offer you the strength and guidance necessary to stay focused and create the energy to do the work.

3.?Scare yourself: Sometimes contrast helps us in driving things when we fall down. Next time, when you plan to delay things consciously or unconsciously, think about the consequences you might have to endure for not acting on time. Paint a dire picture. That will provide the energy to get going with the work.

4.?Take chances in life: So many times, we end up postponing things because we make our tasks too big in our minds. As a result, we keep imagining the scenarios related to, “What if it goes wrong?” We feel scared to accomplish the task. Hence, we keep delaying and postponing things. However, the Universe says that if you choose things that aren’t really aligned with you, you get to choose again in life. Therefore, next time, when you think, “what if it doesn’t work” remind yourself that “even if it doesn’t work, I will try again, and I will choose again”. Have faith in the Universe and take an educated chance in life.

5.?Set goals: Make small goals. Tell yourself you will do it just for today. It’s easier on the mind. Whatever you do, don’t linger with something for weeks…either resolve the resistance and go for it, or drop it. Not everything has space in your life and that’s okay. So, set yourself free.

Have a conversation with yourself today. You deserve a FREE MIND and a HAPPY HEART.


