Does Peer Review of Papers Stifle Innovation?

Does Peer Review of Papers Stifle Innovation?

Once again, I was pleased to have three papers accepted and a couple rejected for an upcoming conference later this year. That’s not a problem in itself. However, when I think that the two rejected papers contained innovative contributions, while the two accepted ones were merely continuations of previous research (luckily one of the accepted ones had something quite new), it raises a question:

Does the peer-review system truly foster the advancement of science and technology?

In the meantime, a friend sent me a short video (link below) that really provoked me to write this post. Watch it and see if the following thoughts resonate with you. I also added the corresponding text below the link for your reflection.

"People talk GLIBLY about science. What is science? People coming out of a university with a masters degree or a PhD - you take them into the field and they literally don't believe anything unless there's a peer-reviewed paper! That's the only thing they accept. And you say to them, "but... Let's observe, Let's think, Let's discuss." They don't do it. It's just, "Is it in a peer-reviewed paper, or not?" That's their view of science! I think it's pathetic!

Going into universities as bright young people - they come out of them BRAIN DEAD, not even knowing what science means. They think it means peer-reviewed papers, etc. NO! That's "Academia"! And if a paper is peer-reviewed, it means everybody thought the SAME, therefore they approved it. An unintended consequence is that when NEW knowledge emerges, NEW scientific insights... they can never, ever be peer-reviewed.

So, we're blocking all new advances in Science, that are big advances. If you look at the breakthroughs in Science, almost always they don't come from the center of that profession - they come from the fringe. The finest candle makers in the world couldn't even think of electric lights. They don't come from within, they often come from the outside the bricks.

We're going to kill ourselves because of stupidity."

~ Professor Allan Savory - Ecologist


Of course, peer review plays a role in maintaining the academic rigor and credibility of scientific research. However, the concern that it can also stifle innovation is very serious.

Key Issues in the Peer-Review System:

·???????? Reviewers may unconsciously favor research that aligns with existing frameworks while rejecting unconventional or disruptive ideas.

·???????? Rivalries, institutional interests, or preconceived notions can influence acceptance decisions.

·???????? Papers that challenge the work of the reviewers themselves may face undue skepticism or rejection.

·???????? The time-consuming nature of peer review can delay the dissemination of important findings.

Possible Solutions to Improve the System:

·???????? Double-blind or open peer review to reduce bias.

·???????? Preprints and rapid reviews for groundbreaking work.

·???????? Dedicated journals for speculative or unconventional research.

·???????? Diverse reviewer selection to ensure a mix of perspectives and backgrounds.


Is this an exaggerated view? I would love to hear your reactions.





Paulo F. Ribeiro

EUR ING, Ph.D., IEEE Life Fellow

1 周

Excellent comment! Indeed the is much more complex than presenred on my short post. Thanks.

Rizwan Rafique

Electrical Power Design | Electrical Protection | O&M | Project Management | Wind and Solar Energy

1 周

Agreed with the argument in general: The one question, however, that might arise in deciding the innovative work to not be peer-reviewed is: how and who is going to decide that the work is innovative as it might be the case that a very unknown or a fresh researcher or a person even outside the field come up with a very innovative or disruptive idea, whereas on the other hand an experienced and a well known researcher might claim some work to be innovative while it is not. Another thing that could happen is wrapping up an old idea with some fancy terminologies or new buzz words, or proposing an already simple solution of a problem with a complex tool by using latest buzz words in the field..



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