Does it need to be complex?
Graham Hardy
Providing customer-led support to any business that cares about its customers
Retailing is pretty basic stuff; you buy from suppliers and sell to customers, adding value by the quality of the total customer experience you deliver. But there’s lots more interference out there to make it tough: rent, rate and tax inflation, shifts in location from high street to out of town, multiple channels, the challenge from single channel when you operate multi-channel, shifts in marketing from newspaper, TV and radio to social media and influencers, risks to your business from traditional theft to your customers’ data being grabbed by scraper bots to cloning your ecommerce presence and much, much more.
As well as the day to day challenges of running a business, keep things simple so you can be agile enough to react to any of the above threats.
I consult very selectively, sharing my knowledge and experience, only when approached, with companies who I believe genuinely care about engaging with their customers and treating them well.
Graham Hardy Consulting
Mobile: +44 (0) 785 012 3315
Email:?[email protected]