Does the Navy have it backward? (Part2)
SNTWI - Part 2. So in part #1, we talked about flipping the SNTWI on its head and instead of sending 100 people to work in industry, why don’t we leverage the 59,000+ reserve Sailors that work in Industry everyday.??
First we have to overcome the root of the problem, which is getting active duty Sailors to trust and embrace industry concepts, and not to view them as a new administrative burden.? In the current SNTWI program, I don’t know that this is possible, because the numbers of SNTWI “graduates” is too small to influence the rest of the Navy.? Our version of the SNTWI fixes this problem because we have 59,000+ Industry Experts (reserves) to influence the process.? However, to leverage those industry experts to achieve the goal of the SNTWI (use industry concepts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the the Navy), we must first demonstrate the value of reserves.??
The Problem: Active Duty Sailors don’t value the reserves force, but do value reservists they have worked alongside.
Today, reserves are seen as a burden that require your time and energy on weekends to get a minimal return on your investment.? That view changes slightly during the 2 weeks a year when they stand watch in an exercise, and flips 180 degrees when they come on Active Duty for 6 months to a year.? A reserve on active duty is valued, and ultimately trusted as they become a fully functioning member of the command.? So how do we get a reservist to be trusted in 1 weekend of support like they are when they come onboard for 6-12 months?
The Solution: Bring in Reservist for 1-2 hours instead of 16 hours per weekend
WHAT?!?? I don’t trust a reservist that I only get for 2 weeks, how in the HELL do you expect me to trust him in 2 hours?? IMPOSSIBLE!
“Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.” - M. C. Escher
So let me be absurd for a second.? What if we leveraged an incredibly successful model being used today to change the way industry operates?? How is that for irony…in order to get us to trust Industry concepts, we must trust an Industry concept.? So what is that concept, well first let me show you a mind blowing statistic of what 50% of the US Workforce will become in just 5 years… (
It is projected that by 2027 over 50% of the US Workforce will be freelancers.? Let that sink in for a bit.? Over 50% of US workers will either work part time for multiple different companies or work full time for one and do "side" work for others.? In fact, according to Clockify, ? of freelancers have a full time job and do work on the side.? Sound familiar…like a reservist? And YES, freelancing does work or people would not pay for it, because you can "fire" a freelancer for any reason, anytime.
So the real solution is to use reserves as “freelancers” to build trust among the active duty Navy, but Why will it work NOW?? Part 3 coming…