Does it matter if I ask questions during an interview?
YES!! Short answer is yes, it does matter. Asking Interview Questions mean so much more than trying to learn more in the moment. It can mean that you did your research before hand and you are trying to clarify something you saw but didn't understand. It can mean that you are curious and interested in the company, division and position. Simply, it means that you are doing your due diligence. NEVER come out of an interview without asking questions because the answer might help you decide whether you want to work at the company or not.
Asking questions in the moment is very difficult. But preparation is key. Learn, research and try to understand. This will actually calm your nerves because you have a little insight into what the Interviewer means when they speak office jargon without noticing. Having pre-set questions will make you more comfortable because when the Interviewer asks "Do you have any questions?" if you don't immediately think of a question, you have your pre-set questions to rely on.
Another way to help you develop questions in the moment is to take notes. If the Interviewer mentioned something, but you might forget to ask a question, jotting something down will jog your memory. This means that yes, you are listening, but you are also paying attention and asking question in the moment, which shows focus and engagement.
It's never a good idea or a good sign to have ZERO questions for your Interviewer. Even if you have asked a question before, get a different perspective. This will also help you understand whether there is consistency in answers from one Interviewer to the next. Changing jobs or starting your career with a company you don't know much about is always a mistake. Do your research and ask questions. You won't regret it.