Does It Make Sense to Grow Millions of Tonnes of Grain, Only to Feed Animals & Slaughter The Animal For Human Consumption?
Does It Make Sense to Grow Millions of Tonnes of Grain, Only to Feed Animals & Slaughter The Animal For Human Consumption?
The Myth That Humans Need Animal Meat for Brain Development Is No Longer Valid in the 21st Century. Do Our Brains Really Need Any More Development?
“It Would Seem We’re Not Using Our Brains Well Enough for The Good of Humanity, Environment or Animal Welfare Anyway.”
Food Technology in the 21st Century Is Continuingly Developing to Provide Healthier More Nutritional Food Options for Human Consumption. Helping Humans Live Longer Healthier Lives & Reducing Many of The Health Issues That Humans Have to Manage with Medication, Why?
I Understand That Disease Management Supports the Economy by Keeping People Employed, Medication Development & Mental Health Industries.
However, While We Boast Medical Technology Has Increased Our Chances of Living Longer, Our Brains Are Not! Governments Will shift retirement Ages, giving rise to the argument above.
For Example, the 20-21 World Harvest Year Will Yield: Barley 167 Million Tonnes (MT) Wheat 794 MT Corn 1201 MT & Soybean 370 MT. A Quarter of This Total Yield Will Go to Feeding Sheep & Cattle… Creating More Methane Gasses & Using More Water Resources, Why? When We Could Feed More Humans with Plant Based Foods?...
Thank you for your comments and discussions… this is not a push against animal breeders, it is food for thought (excuse the pun) Animal breeders should consider the future of breeding animals for food. Future generations, Governments and animal welfare groups are not going away. In fact, they are growing in popularity, already we are seeing Banks, Governments and Animal Welfare groups push for change. The way we see it is that; legislation, policy and demand will make it exceedingly difficult for smaller animal breeders to survive and for them to meet the red tape to come.
1. Animal welfare groups are pushing for, better pain control, better vaccination administration, better life conditions and slaughtering methods and much more.
2. Buyers like Woolworths and Coles are putting more restrictions as to what is being fed to animals, accreditation, meat quality and breeding conditions.
3. Banks are now pushing for farmers and corporations to become better social, environmental, and humane businesses.
4. Governments are listening to voters and to pressure of climate change and to meet world standards… etc.
You just need to watch the news, read a newspaper, or surf the internet to see this push in action. Every few minutes someone is talking about climate change, drought, environmental degradation, natural disasters; flooding, bushfires, rising water levels… and on and on it goes. CHANGE IS AFOOT! SINK or SWIM. The purpose of this text is to raise awareness of the future of animal breeding, not to point the finger or call out animal breeders for doing something wrong. This kind of change has happened in many industries since the industrial revolution, the threat is that smaller farmers and animal breeders will become extinct and without a succession plan because children do not want to work the family farm. This will make farmland cheaper, ready for large corporations to buy up cropping and grazing land. Food security will be left in the hands of large corporations to secure their existing supply chain and dominate food pricing signals. “FOOD FOR THOUGHT”?
Cattle and Rural Real Estate
4 年Demand for beef is rising, not decreasing. While consumption per person may be dropping, overall kilograms of beef consumed is increasing because of population growth and a growing middle class worldwide. Grassfed cattle are essential on our planet to reduce the natural fuel load that our rangelands produce, as without cattle, there would be substantial worldwide wildfires producing huge amounts of pollutants, as seen below. The wide variety of pollutants released by wildland fire include greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O)), photochemically reactive compounds (e.g., carbon monoxide (CO), nonmethane volatile organic carbon (NMVOC), nitrogen oxides (NOx)), and fine and coarse particulate matter. Livestock should be considered a blessing on this planet, not a hindrance. While the article above asks a question not directly related to my comments, I feel that the existence of farmed livestock on our planet is very defendable. Cheers
Mixed Farmer. 45 years.
4 年Give us an alternative food source that has all the protein and trace elements and you have solved the problem.