Does Intuition Apply To Business??
When I first started learning about intuition two and a half years ago, I used to think;
“This stuff is really interesting, but how does it apply to business?”
I heard everything under the sun from "it helps you manifest wealth without doing much work at all”
“It connects you to your higher purpose” and “you’ll become less stressed and more calm”.
Now even though there’s some truth to these statements.
I found them all to be highly impractical, extremely “gimmicky” and only half of the truth.
It wasn’t until I spoke to entrepreneurs that were actually successful in using intuition that I came across a definition that resonated.
“Connecting dots that haven’t been connected before”.
Whether it’s seeing an opportunity to fulfil an unmet need in your market.
Realising a faster & more cost effective way to market your business.
Or even uncovering core reasons why a business isn’t profitable.
Intuition empowers you to see the truth.
It helps you see past your reactions to the daily stresses and pressures that we all experience as entrepreneurs.
In my next post, I’m going to explain a concept called “Unconscious vs. Superconscious Entrepreneurship”.
This will give you deeper and more practical insights into what I’ve been explaining here.
Stay tuned
To Your Success,
Jordan D’Urbano
P.S. Here’s 3 ways I can help you grow your business right now.