Does Having a GOOD HEART Mean I Need to Be a Push Over?
When you have a GOOD HEART, it's incredibly tempting to want to help someone else beyond our own means. Personally, I have to watch that and remove the emotion from some situations in order to protect my own heart, well being, and furthermore - the family God is training me to become a faithful steward over.
There's not a day that goes by when I don't think about how my actions WILL ripple affect into my future children. There have so many years of pain and suffering in areas where I have come to WAKE UP & REALIZE, with real eyes - around me what is truly happening.
It's not like it's the first time I've thought of this, but when life happens, a new depth of understanding reveals itself, naturally. Overcoming a challenge requires understanding we currently don't have or had prior to "getting into the boxing ring".
In business, people will smile to your face and behave another way behind your back, however when that DOES HAPPEN - pray for them, forgive them for any misunderstanding (whatever the case may be).
When making an IMPACT ---> it's hard not to piss at least one person off. Let's be real.
When it comes to growing who we are as a human being - the only thing I can think of is how many of the mistakes my elders made and what I can learn from them in advance to prepare for what may be coming.
Our dreams are incredible fuel when it comes to reviving dreams back to reality and it's by NO ACCIDENT your battles are what they are. If you are fighting something HEAVY right now... remember one thing:
Your battles are not just battles - your battles are attempts to kill your purpose and those are the BAT SIGNALS to what you're called to infiltrate as a survivor when you push through and do not quit. There's nothing stopping you from pushing forward so when something comes your way ---> What part of your purpose is THAT THING/booger trying to keep you from?
So what in the world does any of that have to do with protecting your heart and not being a pushover?
... literally everything.
When you walk like a victim, you teach others to treat like one too - and whatever THEY decide to do is what you'll begin to tolerate and the cycle continues.
Raise your standards and cock YOUR DAGGUM SHOULDERS BACK and STAND FIRM!!!! Nothing will change until you do.