Does having bad hair lead to having a bad day?
David Maus
Director of Sales | Health & Beauty | CPG | Wholesale & Retail | Conair | Henkle | Servant Leader | Performance Driven | VP Sales | National Sales Manager
A study by Marianne LaFrance, Department of Psychology, Yale University, conducted for Procter & Gamble, proves a psychological link between having a bad day and having a bad hair day. The study was designed to test the possible cause and effect relationship between having bad hair and experiencing negative psychological consequences.
When considering the effects of bad hair, men and women differ in what is considered bad hair. The following are in order of concern:
Women Men
Frizzy Sticks out
Damaged Needs Cutting
Fly-Away Poufy
Needs Cutting Bad Hair Cut
Sticks Out Coarse
Poufy Damaged
Bushy Dandruff
Greasy Frizzy
Bad Hair Cut Dull
What is a good hair day?
Women Men
Manageable 78% 68%
Smooth 66% 64%
Stylish 49% 41%
Shining 63% 14%
Volume 34% 14%
Bouncy 29% 8%
Bad hair lowers self-esteem. Self-esteem refers to the evaluation of one-self in the present moment as attractive, as capable, and as adept at social matters.
Bad hair leads people to doubt they are as smart as other people. Having bad hair especially affects men’s feelings that they may not be as smart as other people.
Bad hair creates doubt in ones’ ability to perform. The mind-set of having bad hair spilled over into an important but entirely different domain of self-respect. Bad hair incited some greater amount of performance of self-doubt.
Bad hair increases social insecurity:
Women Men
Embarrassment Social Withdrawal
Self-Conscious Nervousness
Ashamed Less Confident
Bad hair intensifies self-criticism. Bad hair significantly undermines those aspects of one’s self which are favorable. Bad hair also highlights flaws in one’s own character.
Participants with bad hair conditions:
- Had fewer positive things to say about who they are.
- Were significantly more likely to describe themselves as possessing negative traits. “I am …..”
Another important take-away from the study is using professional hair care products causes people to feel better about their hair.
The conclusion of the study is that people’s lives are dramatically affected by how their hair looks. When your hair looks good, you are more successful and feel better about yourself.
Professional stylist and barber change lives. With few exceptions, beauty specialists are one of the most important professionals in people’s lives. From your heart to your head to your hands stylists can make people happier and more successful. What more noble profession can you have?
Now that you know the importance of beauty professionals, it’s time to learn how to make a six-figure income. Watch for my article in a couple of weeks, “What’s the Difference Between a $15 Haircut and a $1,500 Haircut”. I will share: How do you raise your prices? When do you raise your prices? These are two of the most difficult questions we as hairdressers face. Money and financial security are good things.
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