DOES GOD LOVE A CHEERFUL RECEIVER MORE? (Should those who preach giving be the example of those who give or receive?)
"Nowadays, it appears it is better to be a cheerful receiver than a cheerful giver. That’s because, those who preach about being a cheerful giver find it rather hard to give themselves. Could this be why it is said jokingly that former President Robert Mugabe said that while Christ fed 5,000 people, today, individuals or a few a fed by 5,000 people instead. Or maybe they’re just being cheerful receivers.” - Coach TIL
In 2Cor 9:7, God’s love for a cheerful giver is made crystal clear. In Matt. 6:18, it is mentioned that when we offer spiritually to God by sacrificing fleshy pleasures (fasting), we should be cheerful. Generally, giving is associated with cheerfulness which is what makes our widows mite to make any real sense to God and even to man.
I am pretty sure that it is along these lines that there’s so much insistence by many “churches” on the importance of giving and doing so cheerfully. While it is good to give if you ask me, I am now wondering how much of an example the “churches” we know today are in this perspective. I am not talking about “show biz” here please.
This is hard truth, not for emotionals...
By “show biz”, I am referring to those who use apparent scenes of giving in order to encourage others to give. By this, in my own little corner, I am asking if there’s any real accountability in all what is going on. While some people think it is not their business, I can’t help but care about the consequences of all these things at many levels.
I am questioning, when I see how little the “churches” wish to give while they tell the people to give as much as they can and to do so cheerfully. I am looking at those who are giving in silent pain, while pretending to be cheerful. I am concerned about the families, lives and many other components of life frustrated by all these things
This is quite tricky, come with me...
I know this is controversial sh*it, so I am not saying it without an understanding of what it could bring. In all sincerity however, I am asking that how much of givers these “churches” themselves should be. Shouldn’t they be the least interested in profit, how come the fees and bills are the highest while the workers there are paid almost nothing.
Is it true as someone said that the “churches” are doing all to get the minds of the faithful away from vanity (“ground cargo”), yet they spend all their time gathering them? Are we driving into self-destruct mode? Have you listened to people grumble about these things and yet hypocritically give the impression that they’re okay/ cheerful?
Is that not slavery? Is that not outright extortion and deception? I am wondering daily how man became so fearful, that we can’t face even the simplest truths. In Heb. 2:14, Christ talks about this bondage of fear which He came to free us from. How can you be giving so grudgingly, yet so comfortably give the impression that you’re cheerful?
This is hard but true stuff, trust me…
Should the church not give until they bleed? Should they not be the example of what it means to give everything and still be very cheerful? Sometimes, some schools of thought think that even spiritual food which should be the primary thing to be given is in rather short supply today. What finally is the “church” really giving?
The bottom-line is this...
You don’t need to like this post, you don’t have to agree, and you don’t have to be my friend… What is necessary is for you to objectively analyse and see if there’s any kind of truth in here, because that’s the only thing that sets free (Jn. 8:32). As for me and my loved ones, truth is the only thing that we have chosen to know and stand by.
You’re Marvellous, You’re Amazing!
Magnanimously Yours!
Ayah W. Abine
Productivity & Business Leadership
Speaker, Author, Trainer, Coach, Consultant
Talk to Coach TIL:
"You can create your life. - Coach TIL"
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