Does G/c^4 explain Tic Tac Tech?
Jack Sarfatti
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) at University of California CEO Internet Science Education Project (Foundation)
Subject: Re: new developments
This experiment is more to my point. In this case one would have to estimate the Tuv for this pulse of slowed-down radiation, use its effective c', and then via GZ effect compute the induced pulse of gravity waves and see if they will be strong enough to detect with existing technology.
Gravitational Hertz experiment with electromagnetic radiation in
a strong magnetic field
N I Kolosnitsyn1 and V N Rudenko2,3
1Smidt Earth Physics Institute RAS, Moscow 119810, Russia,
2Institute of Nuclear Researches RAS , Russia
3Sternberg Astronomical Institute MSU, Universitetskii pr. 13, Moscow 119234, Russia.
Abstract. Brief review of principal ideas in respect of the high frequency gravitational radiation generated and detected in the laboratory condition is presented. Interaction of electro-magnetic and gravitational waves into a strong magnetic field is considered as a more promising variant of the laboratory GWHertz experiment. The formulae of the direct and inverse Gertsenshtein-Zeldovich effect are derived. Numerical estimates are given and a discussion of a possibility of observation of these effects in a lab is carried out.
Slowed light breaks record
15 Dec 2009 Hamish Johnston
Easy does it: light clocked at 25 km/h
Kilometre-long pulses of light have been stored for over one second in a 0.1 mm cloud of ultracold atoms – before being revived and sent on their way. This latest demonstration of light storage using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) is the first to break the second barrier using ultracold atoms and has the added bonus of preserving the quantum state of the incoming pulse. The physicists in the US who carried out the experiment say that the work could play a key role in quantum information technology.
EIT is a phenomenon in which certain media that do not usually transmit light at a certain wavelength can be made transparent by applying light at a slightly different wavelength. EIT can be used to slow down a pulse of light so that it could effectively be “stored” in a medium. The first person to see EIT in an atom cloud was Stephen Harris at Stanford University in 1991, and he went on to slow light by a factor of 100 in 1995. Then in 1999, Lene Hau and team at Harvard University managed to slow light by a factor of 30 million. They used a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC), which is a gas of atoms that is so cold that all the atoms settle into a coherent quantum state.
Now Hau and team have used a BEC of sodium to store light for over one second. The atoms were chosen because they have a specific configuration of three energy levels. Transitions between the two lowest levels (1 and 2) are forbidden – but transitions can occur between either 1 or 2 and the highest-energy level (3).
Interfering transitions
The experiment begins with the atoms in state 1 and illuminated with a “coupling” laser with a wavelength that matches the 2–3 transition. The pulse to be stored – called the “probe” – is then fired into the BEC. If there were no coupling laser, the pulse would be absorbed by exciting transitions from levels 1 to 3. However the coupling laser also excites transitions from levels 2 to 3 – and these two transitions interfere with each other.
When the coupling laser is switched off, this interference leaves an “imprint” of the pulse within atoms in level 2. The coupling laser is then switched back on and the level 2 atoms are excited up to level 3, before dropping down to level 1 by emitting a pulse of light at the probe wavelength. This pulse is identical to the original probe pulse – at least in principle – because its quantum nature was stored in level 2 atoms in the BEC.
The challenge for Hau and colleagues was to minimize interactions between imprint atoms and the BEC to ensure that the imprint endured for as long as possible. To do this, the team applies a magnetic field to the BEC, which causes the atoms to phase-separate according to energy state. As a result, the portion of the BEC that is storing the pulse separates from the rest of the BEC like a drop of oil moving through water.
Slowed to 25 km/h
Although this separation process involves distorting the pulse-storing BEC – and hence the nature of the revived pulse – it is completely deterministic, which means that no quantum information is lost. By doing so, the team was able to store the pulse for up to about 1.5 s, shattering the previous record of about 600 ms. Furthermore, the fidelity of the revived pulse – the ratio of output energy to input energy – was more that 100 times better than previous systems.
Another remarkable aspect of the experiment is that the probe pulse – which is about 1 km long in air – is compressed to a drop just 20 μm in length as it travels through the BEC at about 25 km/h.
One possible application for the system is a “quantum repeater”, which would allow pairs of entangled photon states to be separated by more than the 100 km or so that is now possible using optical fibres. Under this scheme, a succession of pairs of atom clouds, separated by short distance and storing entangled photons, could be manipulated and combined to extend the stored photon entanglement over long distances. This capability could be important for developing quantum cryptography systems.
Hau told that the technique could be adapted to process the information contained in the pulse. For example, the drop could be split into two before revival – which would create two entangled pulses of light. Another option, according to Hau, is that only one of the drops is revived – creating a pulse of light that is entangled with the remaining atoms. Another possibility is the creation of “squeezed” light pulses, in which the number of photons in the pulse is set by the number of atoms in the BEC.
According to Hau, the storage time could be increased to as long as 5 s by boosting the stability of the magnetic field used to separate the BEC. However, she also points out that the lifetime is ultimately limited by the tendency of the atoms to join together to form metallic molecules.
The work is reported in Physical Review Letters.
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On Mar 09, 2019, at 09:21 AM, JACK SARFATTI <[email protected]> wrote:
PHYSICS 25 July 2013
By Jacob Aron
Not so fast
The fastest thing in the universe has come to a complete stop for a record-breaking minute. At full pelt, light would travel about 18 million kilometres in that time – that’s more than 20 round trips to the moon.
“One minute is extremely, extremely long,” says Thomas Krauss at the University of St Andrews, UK. “This is indeed a major milestone.”
The feat could allow secure quantum communications to work over long distances.
While light normally travels at just under 300 million metres per second in a vacuum, physicists managed to slow it down to just 17 metres per second in 1999 and then halt it completely two years later, though only for a fraction of a second. Earlier this year, researchers kept it still for 16 seconds using cold atoms.
Stripy light
To break the minute barrier, George Heinze and colleagues at the University of Darmstadt, Germany, fired a control laser at an opaque crystal, sending its atoms into a quantum superposition of two states. This made it transparent to a narrow range of frequencies. Heinze’s team then halted a second beam that entered the crystal by switching off the first laser and hence the transparency.
The storage time depends on the crystal’s superposition. A magnetic field extends it but complicates the control laser configuration. Heinze’s team used an algorithm to “breed” combinations of magnet and laser, leading them to one that trapped light for a minute.
They also used the trap to store and then retrieve an image consisting of three stripes. “We showed you can imprint complex information on your light beam,” says Heinze.
Tens of seconds of light storage are needed for a device called a quantum repeater, which would stop and then re-emit photons used in secure communications, to preserve their quantum state over long distances.
It should even be possible to achieve longer light storage times with other crystals, says Heinze, as they have pushed their current material close to its physical limit.
Journal reference: Physical Review Letters,
The above is NOT what I am talking about. There is no claim of a huge resonance in the index of refraction of the material. There is no BEC involved.
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On Mar 09, 2019, at 08:53 AM, JACK SARFATTI <[email protected]> wrote:
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On Mar 09, 2019, at 08:03 AM, K wrote:
Dear Jack
Thank you for discussing your thoughts on GR and low-power space-time warping.I have given them a great deal of thought over the last few days, and I do not think that they are correct. The c in the coupling constant (G/c^4) has to be the speed of light in vacuum.
Jack: That is the common unjustified ad_hoc assumption that many make uncritically in my opinion. There is no experiment to date that says that. It is not part of Einstein's theory. The value of c is a contingent parameter. The fact is that ordinary materials have indices close to Most importantly G/c^4 plays no role in Einstein's vacuum equation
Ruv = 0
To use vacuum c in the coupling G/c^4 and then to use the material c' in Tuv say for a EM field in a dielectric seems implausible to my intuition.
Einstein's equation in matter
Guv = 8pi(G/c'^4)Tuv
using the material c''s is fully covariant.
Finally, if material c' is not used, then you are forced to conclude that all the reports about the Tic Tac are false - some kind of disinformation operation. I do not believe that. My G/c'^4 explanation of the Tic Tac is the only viable one. If anyone can refute what I just said please do.
Bottom line is that which c to use in G/c^4 is an empirical question never yet tested by experiment.
K: I know that you argued that local changes in Guv depend on local values of c. But c is a constant. Sure the speed of light changes in matter, but one can view this in many ways, one such way being scattering. It was a nice idea, but sadly, I don't think it is right.
Jack: You have no rational basis for that belief. It cannot be decided apriori. Light scattering off virtual electron - positron pairs determines most of c's value in vacuum. Same scattering happens in matter with addition contributions from real charges. The spirit if not the letter of Einstein's Equivalence Principle (EEP) demands we treat real and virtual particles the same when it comes to sourcing the gravitational field.
K: You had correctly stated that there have been no experiments on gravity in the context of the speed of light in matter. This is, of course true, especially since the speed of light in air is close to the speed of light in vacuum. However, there have been experiments with Bose Einstein Condensates (BECs) which have achieved stopped light, where the speed of light in the BEC went to zero. By your ansatz, this would have resulted in an infinite coupling constant (G/c^4), which is far worse with the speed of light to the fourth power! (a little levity). In those BEC experiments, all Hell should have broken loose with an infinite coupling between Tuv and Guv.
Jack: The experiments I recall involve extremely short pulses. Also c is never exactly zero in them. There will be a saturation mechanism as c --> 0. I do think that gravity disturbances are created in those experiments, but no one has ever thought to try to detect them. More precisely, the reduction in c' comes from resonances in the response Green's functions. The resonances are never infinite - there is always a saturation mechanism. When "stopped light" is reported, it should not be taken literally that the index of refraction is really infinite. So that's a Red Herring.
K: I think that they must be doing something else. I hate to be skeptical because it would be amazing if it worked! That being said, you should go on with your experiment because we could all be wrong, and this is how things are discovered.
Jack: Exactly.
---On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 5:03 PM JACK SARFATTI <[email protected]> wrote:
From: Jack Sarfatti <[email protected]>
Date: Friday, March 8, 2019 at 1:52 PM
Subject: Military Threat Assessment: UFO BOMBSHELL! UFO Technology: Pandora's Box is Being Opened! Are we ready?
I am only interested in the Tic Tac Tech because I say it demonstrates low power warp drive in the sense of my G/c’^4 ANSATZ and it also demonstrates time travel from our future back to our present.
Also, it’s a weapons system that renders our military weapons impotent and obsolete. The intelligence behind the Tic Tac is able to disable our electronic defenses and change nuke launch codes etc. as well as control the minds of our pilots and men on the ground as reported, for example, by Chief Petty Officer Kevin Day USS Princeton Nov 14, 2004 right here.
I have a very strong argument why it must be the local total value of the electromagnetic charge separation polarizations et-al to use in G/c^4 including both virtual and real charges. I am writing it up carefully with proper math notation – see e.g. Tolman’s classic book on GR in media and Landau & Lifshitz Electrodynamics of Continuous Media.
In fully covariant notation, the correct coupling between matter and geometry (including ANISOTROPIC artificial pixelated super-latticed multi-scale meta-materials is the SCALAR LOCAL FRAME INVARIANT
G(electric permittivity tensor)uv (electric permittivity tensor)^u^v(magnetic permeability tensor)uv (magnetic permeability tensor)^u^v
For a pure electromagnetic field source tensor Tuv(EM) we have terms like Eu(electric permittivity tensor)u’vE^u’ – will write out the full tensor in the paper under construction.
Note that classically Einstein’s gravity field equation in VACUUM has no coupling to matter i.e. Tuv(classical vacuum) = 0.
Guv = Ruv – (1/2guvR = 0
R = 0
Ruv = 0
Even with the ad-hoc cosmological constant term it’s /\guv where
/\ ~ 1/LLp > 0 de Sitter future horizon of accelerating universe.
L ~ 10^28 cm
Lp ~ 10^-33 cm
i.e. future destiny (Aharonov) gravity wave horizon thickness post-Hawking black body radiation propagating negative energy forward in time creating dark energy anti-gravity repulsive metric field acting not on particles but on the geodesic pattern.
From: Robert Addinall
Date: Friday, March 8, 2019 at 12:02 PM
To: Jack Sarfatti <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: "An ugly fact murders a beautiful theory." Feynman UFO BOMBSHELL! UFO Technology: Pandora's Box is Being Opened! Are we ready?
I agree that this is a very interesting hypothesis:
"NO experiment exists that can tell us that c is the vacuum speed rather than c/n where n is the index of refraction because n is pretty close to 1 for ordinary materials and no experimentalist has even thought of this issue as far as I know – I am the first to broach it."
- Now getting useful criticism can be difficult. Initial reaction of most people who know enough physics to understand it: knee-jerk skepticism because it is different. So who to ask to criticize it constructively? Z? Nick? Someone else?
From: [email protected]
Sent: March 7, 2019 10:46 PM
Subject: "An ugly fact murders a beautiful theory." Feynman UFO BOMBSHELL! UFO Technology: Pandora's Box is Being Opened! Are we ready?
I have never been able to follow Jim’s theory. Some of his statements seem to flatly contradict Einstein as pointed out by Zielinski.
I am only interested in the Tic Tac Tech because I say it demonstrates low power warp drive in the sense of my G/c’^4 ANSATZ and it also demonstrates time travel from our future back to our present.
Also, it’s a weapons system that renders our military weapons impotent and obsolete. The intelligence behind the Tic Tac is able to disable our electronic defenses and change nuke launch codes etc. as well as control the minds of our pilots and men on the ground as reported, for example, by Chief Petty Officer Kevin Day USS Princeton Nov 14, 2004 right here.
Edition 2: An Interview with Key US Navy 'Tic Tac' UFO Witness Kevin Day
If the Space Force Won’t Fight Aliens, Who the Hell Will?
A few points.
Einstein’s classical equation in vacuum is Ruv = 0, there is no G/c^4 because Tuv = 0 classically (also R = 0).
Einstein’s classical equation in matter is
Guv = (8piG/c^4)Tuv
NO experiment exists that can tell us that c is the vacuum speed rather than c/n where n is the index of refraction because n is pretty close to 1 for ordinary materials and no experimentalist has even thought of this issue as far as I know – I am the first to broach it.
The Tic Tac DEMANDS it in my opinion. Using Gn^4/c^4 instantly qualitatively removes the mystery about low power silent running Tic Tac Tech in my opinion. It is the most natural elegant parsimonious explanation using only mainstream battle-tested theoretical physics because we already know that BECs (e.g. superconductors) have n resonances n >> 1.
From: Robert Addinall
Date: Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 7:11 PM
To: Paul Zielinski <[email protected]>, JACK SARFATTI <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: 5 March 2019 Woodward's and Sarfatti's ideas are completely different apples & oranges US Space Force technology
This discussion more or less re-started because I was interested in, and commented on how: (1) Woodward has recently reported a stronger signal in his experiments, and (2) there was an odd coincidence in how the USN patent superconducting device has a PZT coating, and Woodward has also been experimenting with PZT. I also introduced (3) Woodward's expose-bare-negative-mass-of-electron-for-metric-engineering theory that is in Chapters 8 and 9 of his book that we never really got around to discussing in 2011-2014, just in case anything interesting came out of the comparative discussion (I wasn't particularly expecting it to, but if limited to a few e-mails, it wouldn't hurt).
At a qualitative level I think that we can more or less understand Woodward's argument as a "sort of" "reverse" frame dragging. It's not a perfect definition, but he himself refers to frame dragging at times and then argues something to the effect of: multiply that small effect by the combined mass of all distant matter to get the cause of spatial flatness and inertial resistance to off geodesic acceleration. What I can't do, and what you and Jack can't follow either, is how to map such a qualitative aspect onto the quantitative math of GR. It's not clear how the large cumulative distant source is affecting the local geodesic of an object. I have no problem with your points (1) and (2) because I don't see where in any GR equations the math seems to show that the local geodesic of an accelerating object is modified by very distant sources (other galaxies), apart from the observation that the geodesic is pretty flat far away from things like black holes, stars or planets.
Now as I am a historian who deals with military history, history of technology, and overlaps into political science, I need to know something about physics, but it should not surprise anyone if I can't follow subtle connections between the qualitative part of Woodward's argument and the nitty-gritty of GR tensor equations that might require a great deal intuitive familiarity with GR to do. I would, however, expect that if there is such a mapping from the qualitative to the quantitative that you and Jack would be able to follow it. The fact that it doesn't seem to follow logically to either of you seems to suggest that there is a problem with Woodward's interpretation.
On the other hand, he has a fully qualified phd in physics working with him, Heidi Fearne. Martin Tajmar apparently thinks Woodward's results are important enough to keep trying to replicate, even if he gets different results at times. As far as I know, Jose Rodal, who also has a phd in physics, is still working with them or is still interested in the Mach Effect research. Then there are others, including presumably physicists who peer reviewed Woodward's book and approved it. On an issue this complicated I'm not really in a position to side with one group of physicists - you and Jack - against another group - those working with Woodward. They may understand something that we don't (in my case, it wouldn't be too surprising). At times I ask a lot of questions and I make comments and suggestions based on the extent to which I do understand what is going on. At least this gets us an interesting historical record of debate and evolution of ideas, if nothing else. However, I have to fall back on the position of waiting to see how the experimental results turn out, and which physicists' positions those experimental results ultimately support.
In an ideal world I wouldn't mind trying to learn more and discuss it further at this point anyway, but, we are all busy and I doubt that we'll get any further than we did in literally thousands of e-mails the last time we tried. So it's probably easier for everyone if we go back to a "wait and see" approach to find out what the people working on Woodward's approach come up with next.
If you want to discuss alternative explanations for Woodward's observations a bit more, e-mail me directly, rather than the whole group, and I'll respond to the extent that I can find time and with the caveat that I am not trained as a physicist. If you think that someone else might be particularly interested, copy him/her/them too. Jack seems to be getting annoyed and is complaining that this discussion is interfering with his discussion of using metamaterials to reduce spacetime stiffness in order to do metric engineering.
From: [email protected]
Sent: March 7, 2019 9:00 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Re: 5 March 2019 Woodward's and Sarfatti's ideas are completely different apples & oranges US Space Force technology
On 3/7/2019 2:10 PM, Robert Addinall wrote:
In general, you, I and Jack are unable to connect the various parts of Jim's argument directly to Guv and Tuv, so we don't really have much more to discuss. We had long conversations with Jim about frame dragging and Sciama's dissertation in the past, and we couldn't agree on how to connect the details then either. So we should go back to "wait and see."
The points (1) and (2) I made below are really not up for debate Robery. In GR, geodesics are invariant objects that are not
modified by the most general kinds of coordinate frame transformations.
So, any "Machian" argument that is based on converting a physically rotating local source into a physically rotating universe -- resulting in
a Lense-Thirring type "frame dragging" effect -- by transforming to a rotating frame of reference, is simply erroneous according to modern
If he keeps getting stronger signals from his PZT stacks some of the other people either working with him or trying to replicate his work may provide more theoretical content that you or Jack may find easier to follow.
I've already said that there may be alternative explanations for Woodward's observations. If that's your point here, then
who denies it?
From: [email protected]
Sent: March 7, 2019 3:47 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Re: 5 March 2019 Woodward's and Sarfatti's ideas are completely different apples & oranges US Space Force technology
Robert, if you want to comment intelligently on these topics you should carefully study the Lense-Thirring effect, and then review
Sciama's argument about gravitoelectromagnetism based on general covariance.
The main points here are
(1) in GR physically accelerating or rotating sources modify the intrinsic geometry of the geodesics, not
observer reference frames; and
(2) spacetime geodesics are invariant objects that are not intrinsically modified by general
coordinate frame transformations.
Jack agrees
So, in GR, transforming from an inertial frame to a rotating frame cannot convert the effects of a rotating local source on the geodesics
into the effects of a rotating universe on the geodesics. It's that simple.
Jack agrees
On 3/7/2019 10:31 AM, Robert Addinall wrote:
It's been a while since we discussed a lot of this. We just get stuck revisiting the same points in Jim's argument.
As best I recall he is saying that the local mass energy of an object curves spacetime (and with a rotating planet, star or black hole also enough that you can detect a small amount of frame dragging around it). He is claiming that the collective mass of the entire universe stretches spacetime flat over large distances. So he seems to be making a claim that the stress-energy pulling spacetime flat also pulls (or drags) on anything gliding along that flat geodesic that then moves off that flat geodesic by pushing on something else or expelling propellant. He is claiming that you multiply the weak effect seen in frame dragging by the mass of the observable universe and you will get the amount of inertial resistance to off geodesic acceleration that you feel when you move something.
If you think of everything that has mass as having at least a tiny gravity well of spacetime curvature associated with it, then I guess the idea is that when a test particle is moved off a null geodesic, the spacetime curvature associated with it is also moving, and the collective stress of all the rest of the mass in the universe stretching spacetime flat over large scales resists the movement of that bit of curvature. So in a certain way it is still a geodesic argument, at least philosophically. However, I cannot clearly relate this to Tuv and Guv in field equations either. That could be because I am not grad school level trained in GR, but Jack and Z cannot either. Nonetheless, Jim's book got through peer review, he obviously has other physicists who are interested in his work and trying to replicate his experiments, and he has recently succeeded in increasing the signal that he gets in his pzt stacks. So, perhaps there are people who see something that we don't.
From: [email protected]
Sent: March 7, 2019 2:06 AM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Re: 5 March 2019 Woodward's and Sarfatti's ideas are completely different apples & oranges US Space Force technology
1) If his interpretation of GRT is correct
It’s not correct
- that the rest of the mass of the universe drags on the off-geodesic acceleration of a particle, then:
Complete hogwash.
The source mass-energy Tuv determines the geodesic pattern of neutral test particles encoded in Guv.
Guv = (8piG/c^4)Tuv
GR field equations do NOT determine off-geodesic proper accelerations of charged test particles.
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Human Progression and Benign Advancement at Researcher
6 年Interesting Jack.....