Does FAT Make You FAT?
Cristian Iannozzi
I Work With Successful Business Men Who Need Their Physique To Match Their Business Success.
Does Fat Make You Fat?
Short answer: Yes and No.
Long answer: Fat gets a bad rep, even just the use of the word 'Fat' often gets associated with the word 'Bad'..
The poor word itself 'fat' has been named and shamed for decades.
First of all, let's say you are carrying some extra weight, you quickly label yourself as 'Being Fat' and with that comes the internal dialogue of 'I am fat, that means I am lazy, I am not good enough, I am bad, I am unworthy, I am a crap parent, a crap leader, etc...
That's simply not true.
What I mean is you are not fat. You are not 'it'. You weren't born 'it'..
Maybe you've just consumed too much food and neglected your body a bit for the past 10-20 years, but that doesn't mean you are a fat person. You're just carrying extra weight.
Then we've got the media labelling fat as bad and then the diet clubs placing healthy fats in 'good' or 'bad' categories..
These things don't help your relationship with yourself and food at all.
You might have even heard some nutritionists and dieticians who are stuck with the old research from the 80s saying that fat makes you fat.
That is not true. Your body has unlimited uses for fat from your diet..
From building hormones, rebuilding cells, releasing energy, etc..
Your muscles and heart contain fat and your brain is up to 75% fat.
When it comes to gaining or losing body fat, your body is CONSTANTLY doing the work of storing fat and removing fat.
Fats like Omega 3 are stored and then released really quickly which is why these 'healthy essential' fats have a positive effect on fat loss.
But when it comes to managing your health and weight loss, everything in moderation and building in lots of healthy habits is key..
- Regular exercise
- Getting good quality of sleep
- Eating a well balanced diet
- Managing the AMOUNT of food you eat
- Managing your stress levels
- Scheduling in rest and recovery
- Learning good mind management strategies
- Taking supplements to help with health
- Walking regurarly
All these things are important and key for long term health and healthy weight loss..
So let's stop looking at the quick fixes and fads.
And start investing in our long term health in 2021 so we can feel good, enjoy life, have more energy to do the things we love, and generally set a positive example for our kids growing up..
Afterall, they are learning from us and watching what we do.
Ps - Oh, does fat make you fat? What do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Pss - Message me today or comment below if you'd like to book in a 10 minute phone consultation to discuss your personal fitness and weight loss goals for 2021.