Does every text bring into reality a reader who is utterly unknown to him or herself, a plain no-one?
Matti Itkonen 2016: Once in Amsterdam.

Does every text bring into reality a reader who is utterly unknown to him or herself, a plain no-one?

Aligning the Eye

A person can behold themself with both internal and external eyes. One can observe one’s me-being from a here-position or a (possibly?) imaginary there-position. Another, near-person, on the other hand, always appears only from the perspective of their own there-ness. Based on experience, it is possible for each of us to think that a partner’s outer shell-ness also indicates the presence of an inner-ness element. This deduction stems from the me-experience (most likely everyone is aware of the fact that in addition to corporeality, within themself, there also resides an interiority-dimension).


How does observing oneself with either internal or external eyes affect the contents being drafted into one’s reflective self-image? Which issues is it relevant to note down in order to deepen one’s self-understanding? In what ways and for what reasons does one wish to present oneself, appear, to others? Which issues help others understand my feelings and thoughts? Do two me’s exist: an internal and external me, i.e., a me-for-me and a me-for-another, a me-not-for-me. How do those different selves differ from one another? If someone claims to know themself, then who or what kind of me do they ultimately know? Or is one merely a stranger to oneself? And if so, then ultimately, who is one? Or is one merely no-one?




Itkonen, M. 2016. Toward the essence of writing. English translation by Benjamin and Glyn Hughes. TOJET: Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. December, Special issue, pp. 1191–1196.


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