Does every official document require meterai affixation?

Does every official document require meterai affixation?

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Everyone must be familiar with the use of stamp duty or meterai. In Indonesia, a meterai?is proof of the validity and legality of securities in documents. Moreover, a meterai also functions as proof of tax payment on a document. There are people that might think almost all-important documents need a duty stamp. Hence,?what kind of documents require a meterai??


The regulations for using duty stamp?in Indonesia?

The use of meterai in Indonesia has undergone several changes. Previously, the applicable meterai was charged IDR3,000 and IDR9,000 However, as of January 1, 2021, the price of stamp duty or meterai was officially changed to IDR 10,000. The rules regarding the 10,000-stamp duty in Indonesia currently refer to Law Number 10 of 2020 concerning Stamp Duty.?

In order to replace the previous design in 2014, the IDR10,000 meterai came with a new look that has several general and special characteristics, including:?

- A star symbol?

- The dominance of light colors with yellow and red fibers on the paper?

- A security hologram line with a rectangular shape and an image of Garuda Pancasila?

- A logo from the Indonesian Ministry of Finance and the words 'djp'?


Types of documents that requires meterai?

There are at least eight types of documents that require IDR10,000-stamp duty as regulated in the implemented laws. One of them is Article 3 of Law Number 10 of 2020. The aim of imposing stamp duty is to define civil events. Moreover, these documents can also function as evidence when resolving cases in court.?

The following types of documents are subject to an IDR10,000-stamp duty under mentioned?law:?

- Letters that have?duplicates, such as statements, certificates and agreements.?

- Document in the form of a notarial deed with?grosses, including quotations and copies.?

- Documents in the form of deeds from land deed officials, including quotations and copies.?

- Important documents regarding auction. For example, quotations from minutes of auctions, minutes of auction minutes, as well as copies and grosses of auction minutes.?

- Valuable documents.?

- Documents from securities transactions, in this case including transactions for futures contracts.?

- Documents relating to financial transactions with a nominal value of more than 5 million, both in the form of mentioning the receipt of money and containing acknowledgments of debts that have been repaid or partially paid.?

- Other important documents in accordance with applicable government regulations.?


The innovation of e-stamps for important documents?

As times change, physical documents are starting to be used less and replaced by digital documents. Technological sophistication has led to reduced use of paper in everyday life, including in business. As a result, the use of physical stamp duty has shifted to e-stamp duty. Electronic meterai (e-meterai) is an electronic version of stamp duty that is affixed to digital documents.?

If we refer to the basic rules,?Law Number 10 of 2020 regarding?Stamp Duty, the application of stamp duty is not only for physical or paper documents, but also electronic transactions and digital documents. The use of e-meterai on important documents can?make things easier for the public and provide a sense of security and comfort when carrying out transactions using digital documents.?

e-Meterai is also equipped with advanced security technology, such as data encryption and digital signatures, to protect the authenticity and integrity of documents. This helps reduce the risk of document manipulation or forgery.?

With e-meterai, we?no longer need to print electronic documents into physical form, affix a stamp duty, then scan them again to become digital. Thus, we?only need to attach an e-meterai to the digital document.?

Thank you for reading and we’ll see you again soon.?


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