Does Employee loyalty exist?
I literally copied the first image from google image search.

Does Employee loyalty exist?

We all have a bunch of friends working at several companies who moved from a basic job to the next level, and the higher level and the next level to it. Let's assume they have changed companies every 4-5 years, and I'm sure we know a lot of them.

The shift in employee's mindset as soon as they change their job shifts too in a very interesting way. An Employee who cheered for your very company is now cheering for another company, boasting about their services, announcing their launches while leaving your company behind. So this raises the most important question in my head.

Does Employee loyalty exist?

This isn't a question we ask our friends but ourselves too. If you have changed two or more jobs in your career, are you still loyal to your previous employer? If yes, I'm assuming you were in the upper management. A company's real ground-force, the entry, and mid-level employees stay low after their jobs. This isn't a personal opinion, my line of work includes talking to a lot of professionals from different backgrounds and I don't miss a chance to feed my curiosity. I always ask "How is your new company treating you?". The answer is always "Oh, this company is great, I enjoy this one! Continued by a bunch of improvements from their previous job in a company". Well, I look at this as a psychological phenomenon. If you shoot the same question to the same person 10 years down the line, their answer is still going to be the same. As humans, we are constantly trying to improve our standard of living and maybe, just maybe this could be the cause of it. Ultimately, nobody gives a shit about their previous employer but the next one because well, the improvements over the previous one.

Another thought revolving around Employee loyalty is versed around how long an employee is going to stick to a company. Now there are a lot of scholarly articles around this but they are still based around philosophical terms. In both cases, loyalty is very cryptic but what bothers me now is how an employee can do a full 180 loyalty flip within a span of months or days for that matter. What does it take for a company to keep an employee loyal even after they quit their jobs? Offer post-employment perks? Why would a company do that? It's bat-shit crazy but still, it's not a bad idea.

Actually, it is a bad idea. A company has full control over employees while they're working for it and it could use a bit of its time to develop more dependency for the employees. Let's say, become a part of employees' lifestyle and that doesn't just include work and now we're talking a lot of effort. Don't worry about any of these points if it's true for you, here's another question that you could ponder upon,

Does your company care about you?

Post Script Announcement: Even though I wrote a lot of articles in domains any of you won't be interested in, this is my first attempt in writing an article on LinkedIn based on my observations. Your comments are valuable so go on, let me know what you think of this.


