Does Effort Always Guarantee Results?
There's a comforting Indonesian idiom, "usaha tidak akan mengkhianati hasil," which translates to "efforts will never betray the results." This emphasizes the importance of giving our best in every situation. After all, the outcome of our actions truly rests on how much effort we invest.
In the professional world, putting in our best effort goes beyond simply working overtime and sweating every detail. It also means overcoming obstacles and pushing forward with all the effort we've poured into the task.
Beyond Effort: Faith and Letting Go
However, perhaps we take the notion of relentless effort a bit too seriously. What if, instead of clinging to every ounce of control, we placed some faith in a higher power?
Imagine letting go of the outcome entirely, trusting that we've done our best and letting the "One Above All" (as Stan Lee, the creator of Marvel Comics, would say) take care of the rest. Perhaps this "One Above All" could be seen as the unified entity of the universe itself. Whatever your belief, there's nothing wrong with acknowledging a force beyond ourselves.
For me, I find comfort in referring to a higher being, the creator of the Universe, the Almighty, the One Beyond Everything. For me, the One Above All is God.
When Effort Doesn't Seem to Pay Off
Now, let's revisit the "efforts will never betray the results" idiom. We've all encountered situations where our tireless efforts seem to yield no results, or the outcome unfolds in a way vastly different from what we envisioned.
We believe we gave it our all. We believe the results should reflect our efforts. What happened then? Why doesn't the idiom seem to hold true?
The Unexpected Best Results
The truth is, everything unfolds exactly as it should. Our efforts do lead to the best results, as the saying suggests. It's just that these results might not appear in the way we expect. With patience and gratitude, however, these "best results" will eventually reveal themselves.
Our patience and gratitude act as catalysts, shaping the results so that at the perfect time and place, they emerge and say, "Hello? Is it me you're looking for?" If you're reading this while singing Lionel Richie's song, then we're probably from the same generation.
The Importance of Patience and Gratitude
So, the idiom "usaha tidak akan mengkhianati hasil" or "efforts will never betray the results" remains entirely true. However, sometimes, additional ingredients are needed for those results to manifest in our lives such as: patience and gratitude.
Deni Rachmat is a freelance brand marketer and open to new challenges in marketing, marketing communications, brand development, content writing, graphic design, and digital marketing. Deni also interested in a full time #remotework opportunities in marketing, marketing communications, and business development.
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