Does "Edge" lie mainly in Strategy or in Execution?

I am not talking about: Strategy OR Execution? Execution is necessary for any Strategy to work.

I intend to compare the following 2 situations:

  1. Where Strategy is the main source of Edge (i.e. Superior performance)
  2. Where Execution is the main source of Edge

IMO, Strategy is the main source of Edge in situations that have high degrees of freedom, and Execution is the main source in situations that have low degrees of freedom.

Source of Edge depends on the degrees of freedom in an activity

Boxing can be done in many ways. So, Muhammad Ali became an outlier due to his unique strategy (i.e. "choice" of technique).

But for a sprinter, I feel there are relatively much less degrees of freedom. There seem to be "relatively" limited ways of running. So, the Edge will lie not in Strategy but in Execution.

Now, even if any of my 2 examples is wrong, I think the point is not (some refinement may be likely needed though).



